Thursday, November 28, 2019
Transpotation Promblem Essay Example
Transpotation Promblem Essay Find initial basic feasible solution for given problem by using: (a)North – West corner rule (b) Least cost method and (c) Vogel’s approximation method If the objective is to minimize the total transportation cost. Q. 2 A Company has factories at F1, F2, and F3 which supply to warehouses at W1, W2, and W3. Weekly factory capacities are 200,160,and 90 units, respectively. Weekly warehouse requirement are 180,120and 150 units respectively. Unit shipping costs (in rupees) are as follows: Ware house W1 W2 W3 SUPPLY F1 16 20 12 200 F2 14 8 18 160 F3 26 24 16 90 DEMAND 180 120 150 450 Determined the optimal distribution for this company to minimize total shipping cost. Second Topic Transportation Model Problems for Practice Q. 1 A company has four manufacturing plants and five warehouses. Each plant manufactures the same product which is sold at different prices in each warehouse area. The cost of manufacturing and cost of raw material are different in each plant to various factors. The capacities of the plants are also different. The data are given in the following table: PLANT ITEM Manufacturing cost (RS) per unit Raw material cost (RS)per unit Capacity per unit time 1 12 08 100 2 10 07 200 3 08 07 120 4 08 05 80 The company has five warehouses. The sales prices, transportation costs and demands are given in the following table: ware house transportation cost per unit sale price demand per unit(Rs. ) 1 2 3 4 A 4 7 4 3 30 80 B 8 9 7 8 32 120 C 2 7 6 10 28 150 D 10 7 5 8 34 70 E 2 5 8 9 30 90 (a) Formulate this problem as a transportation problem to maximize profit. (b) Find the solution using VAM method. Q. 2 Obtain an optimal solution to the transportation problem by UV method. Use VAM method for obtaining initial feasible solution D1 19 70 40 5 D2 30 30 8 8 D3 50 40 70 7 D4 10 60 20 14 CAPACITY 7 9 18 34 We will write a custom essay sample on Transpotation Promblem specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Transpotation Promblem specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Transpotation Promblem specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer S1 S2 S3 DEMAND Q. 3 Consider a firm having 2 factories. The firm is to ship its products from the factories to three- retail stores. The number of units available at factories X and Y are 200 and 300, respectively while those demanded at retail stores A ,B and C are 100,150 and 250, respectively. Rather than shipping directly from factories to retail stores, it is asked to investigate the possibility of Trans- shipment. The transportation cost (in Rupees) per unit is given in the table . FACTORY X Factory X Y 0 6 y 8 0 RETAIL STORE A 7 11 B 8 9 C 9 10 Retail store A B C 7 1 8 2 5 9 0 1 7 5 0 8 1 4 0 Find out the optimal shipping schedule. Q. 4 ABC limited has three production shops supplying a product to five warehouses. The cost of production varies from shop to shop and cost of transportation from one shop to a warehouse also varies. Each shop has a specific production capacity and each warehouse has certain amount of requirement. The cost of transportation are given below: Ware house III 4 7 6 85 A B C DEMAN D I 6 5 3 60 II 4 6 4 80 IV 7 4 3 105 V 5 8 4 70 SUPPLY 100 125 175 400 The Cost Of Manufacturing The Product At Different Production Shop Is shop A B C Variable cost 14 16 15 Fixed cost 7000 4000 5000 Find the optimum quantity to be supplied from each shop to different warehouses at minimum total cost. Third Topic Assignment Model Problems discussed in the class Q. 1 A job production unit has four jobs A,B,C,D which can be manufactured on each of the four machines P,Q,R and S. The processing cost of each job on each machine is given in the table below: Jobs P A B C D 31 25 19 38 Machine Q R Processing cost (Rs. ) 25 33 24 23 21 23 36 34 S 29 21 24 40 To achieve minimum processing cost, which job will you process on which machine? Q. 2 A workshop has four machines and four tasks for completion. Each of the machines can perform each of four tasks. Time taken at each of the machines to complete each task is given in the matrix below: How should the tasks be assigned to machines requirement of machine hours? Tasks A I II III IV 51 32 37 55 Machine B C Processing times (Hrs. ) 77 49 34 59 44 70 55 58 D 55 68 54 55 Q. 3 A pharmaceutical company has four branches, one each at city A, B, C and D. A branch manager is to be appointed one at each city, out of four candidates P, Q, R and S. The monthly business depends upon the city and the effectiveness of the branch manager in that city. Branch manager P 11 City B C Monthly business (Rs. lakhs) 11 9 A D 9 Q R S 13 12 16 16 17 14 11 13 16 10 8 12 Which manager should be appointed at which city so as to get maximum total monthly business? Q. 4 The production cost or products P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 per unit made on machines M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 are tabulated below: P1 50 60 40 35 40 P2 80 30 40 40 45 P3 30 40 50 30 50 P4 40 40 45 35 45 P5 45 50 35 50 45 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Selling prices per unit are as follows: P1= Rs. 80, P2=Rs. 90, P3=Rs. 105, P4= Rs. 70 and P5 = Rs. 5 Decide which product should be made on which machine to realize maximum profit. Q. 5 Darda oil mills have four plants each of which can manufacture anyone of the four products. The manufacturing costs differ from plant to plant and so do the sales revenues. The revenue and cost details are as given below: Sales revenue (Rs. Lakhs) Plants A B C D I 70 80 75 78 II 88 90 87 85 Manufacturing cost (Rs. Lakhs) Plants A B C D I 59 65 62 65 II 70 73 72 74 Products III 55 55 59 58 IV 71 79 68 76 Products III 69 71 73 74 IV 82 94 80 89 Suggest which plant should produce which product to maximize profit? Q. A company has four territories open, and four salesman available for an assignment. The territories are not equally rich in its sales potential. It is estimated that, a typical salesman, operating in each territory would bring in the following annual sales. Territory Annual Sales(Rs. ) I 126000 II 105000 III 84000 IV 63000 The four salesmen also differ in their ability. It is estimated that, working under the same conditions, their yearly sales would be proportionately as follows: Salesman Proportion A 7 B 5 C 5 D 4 Assign the salesmen to each territory if the criterion is maximum expected total sales. Third Topic Assignment Model Problems for Practice Q. 1 A departmental head has four subordinates and four tasks for completion. The subordinates differ in their capabilities and tasks differ in their work contents and intrinsic difficulties. His estimate of time for each subordinate and each task is given in matrix below: Tasks I A B C D 17 28 20 28 Subordinates II III Processing cost (Rs. ) 25 26 27 23 18 17 25 23 IV 20 25 14 19 How should the tasks be assigned to minimize requirements of man-hours? Q. 2 A departmental head has three subordinates and four tasks for completion. The employees differ in their capabilities and the tasks differ in their work contents. With the performance matrix given below, which three of four tasks should be assigned to subordinates? Tasks Subordinates A B C D I 9 8 20 21 II 12 13 12 15 III 11 17 13 17 Q. 3 A gear manufacturer requires 2000 numbers per month of each of the six types of gears. Six hobbing machines are available to process these gears. The gears differ in their work contentsgear with, number of teeth, module etc-and machine differ in their capabilities-speeds, feeds and ability to take depth of cut. The production control department has prepared the machine wise cost matrix as shown in the matrix below: Gear I II III IV V VI M1 15 20 19 30 6 13 M2 18 16 16 8 12 Hobbing machines M3 M4 13 10 12 14 15 42 38 10 12 16 14 M5 18 19 35 9 15 M6 14 15 20 36 10 18 Gear I can be assigned to machine M5 because of steep helix angle. Gear III can not be assigned to machine M4 as it is not within the capacity of this machine. And gear IV can not be loaded on machine M2 because of limitations of process capability of the machine. Find the optimum assignment schedule. Q. 4 A salesman has to visit five cities. He wishes to start from a particular city, visit each city once and return to starting city. The cost of going from a city to another in Rs. is given below: From City A B C D E 0 16 18 21 11 To city A 12 0 17 14 13 B 15 13 0 18 12 C 17 18 14 0 18 D 11 12 17 16 0 E Determine the least cost route. Q. 1 A departmental store purchases Christmas trees, which can be ordered only in lots of 100. Each tree selling price Rs. 40 each. Unsold trees, however, have no salvage value. The purchase price of the trees is Rs. 5 each The probability distribution obtained from analysis of past data is given below: Trees sold 100 200 300 400 500 probabilities 0. 20 0. 35 0. 25 0. 15 0. 05 (a) Setup a payoff table (b) How much quantity should the departmental store buy to maximize its profit? Q. 2 A manufacturer of sewing machines is faced with the problem of selecting one of the two models for manufacturing. The profit depends on the market acceptability of the m odel which are present is uncertain but is had been broadly classified into four categories: excellent, good, fair and poor. The profits or losses (losses are indicated by negative sign) expected by the management from the different levels of market acceptability of the models are as follows: ____________________________________________________________ ______ Market Profit (Rs. ) for the model for the Indicated market acceptability __________________________ Deluxe Janata ____________________________________________________________ ______ Excellent 60,000 78,000 Good 28,000 38,000 Fair 18,000 8,000 Poor 8,000 -12,000 ____________________________________________________________ _____ Which product should the company select from the standpoint of maximin (gain) criterion? Q. 3 A company is making a large boiler installation. A certain automatic monitoring unit is critical for the operation of the whole system. At the time of original order, the spares for this unit can be purchased for Rs. 2,000 per unit. The probability distribution for the failure of the unit during the life time of installation is given a s : __________________________________________________________ _______Failure_________________________Probability__________ _ 0 0. 35 1 0. 25 2 0. 20 3 0. 15 4 0. 05 ___________________________________________________________ If a spare is needed and is not available, the total cost of idle time and replacement cost will be Rs. 15,000. Unused spares have no salvage value. Determine the optimal no. of spares to be ordered. Q. 4 A newspaper boy is thinking of selling a special one time edition of a magazine to his regular newspaper customers. Based on his he believes that he can sell between 9 to 12 copies. sports knowledge of his customers, The magazines can be purchased at Rs. each and can be sold for Rs. 12 each. Magazine that are not sold can be returned to the publisher for a refund of 50%. (a) Construct the decision matrix for the above inventory problem indicating possible monetary consequences. (b) Determine the best decision from the stand point of (i) Maximin criteria (ii) M aximax criteria (iii)Hurwiez a-criterion assuming a=0. 40 (iv) Minimax regret criteria (v) Laplace criteria Q. 5 Agent Corner, an authorized dealer in domestic appliances find that the cost of holding refrigerator in stock for a week is Rs. 50. Customers who cannot get a new refrigerator immediately wanted to go to another dealer for which expected profit is Rs. 350 per customer. Probability distribution of demand is as follows: No. of refrigerator: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Probability : 0. 05 0. 10 0. 20 0. 30 0. 20 0. 10 0. 05 Assuming that there is no time lag between ordering and delivery, how many refrigerators should we order per week? Q. 6 A departmental store buys Christmas tree at a landing cost of Rs 25 each and sells them at an average of Rs 40. Any tree left over after the selling season has no resale value. The productivity distribution of sale of trees derived from analysis of pas t sales data is under: Tree (sale) Probability 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0. 10 0. 15 0. 35 0. 20 0. 10 0. 05 0. 05 a) How many trees should be department store buy to maximize its profit? b) If trees left after the selling season cost Rs 5 each to remove ,does it affect the inventory decision? Q. 7 A newspaper boy is thinking of selling a special one time edition of a sports magazine to his regular newspaper customers. Based on his knowledge of his customer the copies of the magazine with probabilities estimated as under: No of copies 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 probability 0. 0 0. 15 0. 35 0. 20 0. 10 0. 05 0. 05 The magazine can be purchased at Rs 8 each and can be sold for Rs 12 Each. a) Magazines that are not sold can be required to the publisher for a refund of 50%. Determine optimum quantity to be purchased? b) If the publisher does not take back the unsold magazines and the boy is forced to sell them as scrap a t rs 1. 50, what should be the order quantity. c) And if the boy gets magazines â€Å"on sale basis†,what quantity should be ordered? Q. 8 A Ship building company has launched a program for the construction of new class of ships. Certain spare units like prime over, each costing 200000 have to be purchased. If these units are not available when needed, a serious loss is incurred which is in order of Rs 10000000 each instance requirements of spares with the corresponding probabilities are given below. Nos of spares: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Probability of 0. 876 0. 062 0. 041 0. 015 0. 005 0. 001 requirement How many spares should the company buy in order to optimize inventory decision? Fifth Topic Decision Analysis Problems for Practice Q. 1 A perishable item is ordered only once each demand period. Acquisition cost is $3, selling price is $5, and salvage value is $1. 50. What is optimal order quantity? Given: Demand 100 110 120 130 140 150 Probability 0. 1 0. 2 0. 2 0. 3 0. 1 0. 1 Q. 2 A newspaper boy buys papers for Rs 1. 30 each and sells them for Rs 1. 40 each. He cannot return unsold newspapers. Daily demand has the following distribution. No. of customers: Probability: 23 0. 01 24 0. 03 25 0. 06 26 0. 10 27 0. 20 28 0. 25 30 0. 10 31 0. 05 32 0. 05 If each days demand is independent of the previous day’s, how many papers he should order each day?
Monday, November 25, 2019
SHOOK Surname Origin and Last Name Meaning
SHOOK Surname Origin and Last Name Meaning The surname Shook is a variant of the German surname Schuck, derived from scouh, meaning shoemaker. Schoch is a common Swiss variation and Schook or Schoock are commonly found in the Netherlands. Alternate Surname Spellings: SHUK, SHOCK, SHUCK, SCHOCH, SCHUCK, SCHOOK, SCHOOCK, SHOOCK, SCHOKE, SCHUCH, SCHUSKE Surname Origin: German Where In the World Is the SHOOK Surname Found? According to Forebears, the Shook surname is most prevalent in the United States and Guam. The original German spelling of Shuck is still much more common in Germany, especially in the Rheinland-Pfalz region according to WorldNames PublicProfiler. Shuck is also a fairly common surname in Pest, Hungary. Germany-specific surname distribution maps at identify the Schuck surname as being most frequent in Miltenberg, followed by Aschaffenburg, Berlin, Kusel, Mà ¼nchen and Kaiserslautern. Famous People with the SHOOK Surname Edwin M. Shook - American archaeologist and Mayanist scholarTravis Shook - American jazz pianist Genealogy Resources for the Surname SHOOK Meanings of Common German SurnamesUncover the meaning of your German last name with this free guide to the meanings and origins of common German surnames. Shook Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Shook family crest or coat of arms for the Shook surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Shook Surname DNA ProjectThis genetic genealogy project is open to all individuals with the surname Hahn and variants such as Schoke, Schuch, Schuske, Shuck, who are interested in using DNA with traditional genealogical research to identify common Hahn ancestors. Shook Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Shook surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Shook surname query. FamilySearch - SHOOK GenealogyExplore over 500,000 results, including digitized records, database entries, and online family trees for the Shook surname and its variations on the FREE FamilySearch website, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. SHOOK Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts a free mailing list for researchers of the Shook surname. - SHOOK Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Shook. GeneaNet - Shook RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Shook surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Shook Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Shook surname from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Realco Breadmaster Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Realco Breadmaster - Research Paper Example The main issue revolving in around this case is the product had no formal planning. In case 15 the issue goes around the Toyota Company has an ambitious growth agenda that is high and that stresses the technical and human resources in addition to undercutting quality. Other problems include: the language barriers and time deficiency which have lead to manufacturing problems. An evaluation of the two cases and reactions to particular questions is provided below. Question 1 A master production schedule is defined as a strategy or a plan that is developed by an organization for staffing, production, inventory and many other variables. Some of the data details integrated as input in a master production schedule includes: production cost, inventory cost, forecast demand and many other costs. There is also the output that presents details of production quantities and even levels of staffing for a particular time period. The technique is cost driven, which indicates that it aims at meeting particular requirements at the least cost possible. A master production schedule for the bread-maker will be presented as below: Realco Company should update the production figures since from the available figures; it is obvious that what the bread-makers created are far much greater than the requirement expected. The every week production is 40, 000 while the assumed requirement every week is about 20,000 bread-makers. The production figures could be adjusted to about 25,000 bread-makers. This is owed to the point that the highest present purchase according to Port Jackson is 23, 500. Question 2 The core of the requirement fulfillment procedure is purchase appealing, whose goal is to make reliable guarantees for the client orders. The transaction appealing procedure excellent quality is calculated by the distribution performance and the promptly distribution. The transaction appealing strategy used by Port Jackson is the batch order promising. Under this strategy, client purchases are incorporated into the product sales transaction program, and a promise is not generated. The transaction appealing is triggered at certain periods, and in his situation, it is once per 7 days. Hence, Port has joined the client purchase information for the variety of shipments promised on every week basis. One advantage of this strategy is that it is affordable. This is due to the point that it is much cheaper to produce a whole set of a given item compared to production of each single purchase. One disadvantage that is important to note is that, the strategy may outcome to overhead production, whereby the development may exceed the real requirement. Moreover, this strategy may cause to loss of clients and business due to failure to meet individual tastes and preferences (Bundy, 1999). Formal master scheduling would enhance the procedure by keeping control and being accountable to the entire production and shipment appealing. Furthermore, it can help in protecting lead time and b ooking future deliveries. The routine controls the production procedure and not the client requirement. One of the company’s changes that would be necessary in the adoption of an official master scheduling is managerial changes whereby the organization has to hire an expert scheduler to be in charge of the procedure. Technological changes such as installing master scheduling software are also important. Question 3 Accepting an order and then being unable to provide is worse than refusing a client's order advance because of unavailability of units. Masters scheduling plays the role of controlling the production procedure rather than the client requirement. This implies that purchases would only be accepted following availability of un
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research Methods Quantitative Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Methods Quantitative - Assignment Example The methods will be designed to measure the connotative meaning of the impact of the air crafts noise on the wellbeing and health of the participants based on their attitudes towards aircraft noise. The respondents will be asked to choose where their position lies in regards to the annoyance caused by the aircraft noise. After taking their position, they will then be requested to rate their overall annoyance levels on the basis of an opinions scale between 0-10. In the opinion scaled used, zero will denote no annoyance at all while ten will show completely annoyed (Heise, 2010). 9. Data analysis: The researcher will use spreadsheets for the purpose of tabulating the results and coming up with the appropriate graphs which will be key analyzing the responses obtained from the sample population in the study. 10. Consent: The study will target communities which are exposed to aircraft noise by virtue of living or working near the source of the noise. Each respondent will be given a brief summary about the study and the reason why it is being done. The consent of the respondents will be sought by asking them if they can take part in the study to help obtain the data needed. The reasons why it will be imperative to do so is to ensure that the participants take part out of their own will so that the responses which they give are more valid and helpful to the achievement of the objectives of the research (Heise, 2010). The overall purpose of the research has changed from the environment impact of aviation to a more focused study on how the aircraft noise affects the health and wellbeing of the communities which are exposed to the noise. The questions to be used are therefore closed-ended to ensure that focused responses are obtained. It is however worth pointing out that the survey used in the quantitative research does not allow for the comprehensive conveyance of the opinion
Monday, November 18, 2019
Current event in medical organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Current event in medical organization - Essay Example consequently, such prescriptions could result into addiction, occasional psychosis and anxiety. Doctors recommend timely diagnosis which works to counter the effects of the disorder at least at an early age. The American Psychiatric Association is working on a bid to ensure that an increased number of teenagers can access prescribed medication after diagnosis. This article reveals the disorder is as a result of abnormal chemical imbalance in the brain. The chemicals interfere with an individual’s attention skills and impulse control as well. Patient and doctors advocates have never seized to differ of the rising diagnosis rates. Proponents hold the school of thought that the rising rates indicate proper management of the disorder. Opponents on the other hand think that the respective prescriptions only work to calm an individual’s behavior. The disorder can readily be determined through extensive talks with parents, patients and teachers. However, the rising cases of diagnosis and treatment of the disorder should be well managed in order to strike a reasonable balance (Schwarz and Cohen, 2). In line with class work, the article revisits thus highlights the disorder a major in the American society. One is able to understand how the A.D.H.D disorder has been well advertises thus increasing the sale of respective treatments. Additionally, that if left untreated, the disorder could easily affect a child’s academic performance is a genuine concern that only calls for proactive attitude when dealing with the disorder. Alonso-Zaldivar (2) questions the significance of marketing to resolving pertinent issues associated with Obamacare. Obama’s initiative has since received mixed reactions from various stakeholders. It is no wonder that the initiative has been viewed as complex and controversial. This has forced the government to invest heavily on mass marketing to promote awareness in the country. This initiative has been shot
Friday, November 15, 2019
Introduction to Carrot Crops Production and Marketing
Introduction to Carrot Crops Production and Marketing Eric Harms Production Seeding Carrots are a very specialized crop, which is suitable to late season starts, seeding should take place around 3-5 days after your last suspected frost. Carrot seeds prefer a deeply tilled sandy soil with a plant density of one plant per three to four inches. Seeding depth can very from a quarter to a half inch deep. Germination takes place in ten to twenty one days. Due to thinning of carrots it is recommended to re-sow sections of the row that have thinned every two weeks, leading up to May. Seeding equipment varies depending on the size of operation, planting can be done by hand with large commercial machinery being used for large-scale operations. Fertilization Carrots should be fertilized five to six weeks after they have been planted and based off of soil test from field of planting. It is recommended to broadcast half of the desired fertilizer onto the field and work in before planting occurs, then incorporate. Once seeding has taken place you should side dress the remaining fertilizer. Amounts of Fertilizer varies depending on the prior mentioned soil test. Later charts illustrate desired fertilizer. (from University of Minnesota) Crop protection Carrots main pests come in the forms of insects with the main ones being Carrot Rust Fly, Carrot Weevil and the Aster Leafhopper. There is a variety of ways to monitor for these pest some being orange/yellow sticky traps, wooden plate traps, carrot root section monitoring and planting away from marshes and wet lands. Continuous monitoring is necessary as these pests can drastically reduce your yield potential and incite disease. If thresholds are reached there are many insecticides that can be used to treat the populations. Diseases in Manitoba production have been limited as not many acres have been planted over the years. Much like soybeans it is in its Cinderella period, most of carrots problems come from nutrient deficiencies, which can be managed by proper soil tests. Harvest Harvest typically takes place between august 15 and into late fall with September and October being the best months. For wholesalers carrots must be five inches or longer and between  ¾ inch and 1-1/2 inch diameter. Depending on where you sell, carrot sizing can vary largely. Farmers markets have limited standards and grocery stores have personal standards. Marketing End Use/End Market Depending on the size of your farming operation the final destination for your carrots will vary. Small farmers 1-5 acres will typically focus on farmers markets and direct marketing to local food stores in their areas. Once you get into medium sized operations farmers will typically work with peak of the market in order to get branding and packaging. Peak of the Market acts as a co-operative that helps sell your produce for you. Lastly large scale carrot producers, typically will package their own produce under their own branding cutting out peak of the market as their help isnt required. Sales are typically with large scale grocery chains starting from province of origin then working outward to other provinces as business scale grows. As a whole carrot farming is marketed towards two main groups wholesale (supermarkets, grocery stores) and farmers markets. Where the farmer focuses on typically depends on the stage of the farmers business and how large of scale they are operating in. Current/Historical prices Carrot prices historically have been on the good side with the average farmer being able to make a good living. In the current market we are looking at a price of around $2.46 per kilogram. This is a higher price when compared to the historical prices where in 2014 carrots were around $2.04 per kilogram. This increase in price is the trend going forward with carrots as populations increase. Carrot prices function much like major crops where they will typically skyrocket with natural disasters. On the tail end of things prices dropping below the level of earning a profit do not typically occur. Carrots are a cash crop and farmers are usually making a good living off of this species. Supply/Demand With Canada and most other first world countries becoming more health conscious carrot demand has been improving both globally and nationally. For standard carrots there has been a slow gradual increase in demand. On the other hand specialized carrots such as organic have had a substantial increase in demand in first world countries. Those who produce carrots are in a very viable market in Manitoba and Canada for that matter. When it comes to supply there is typically enough food in the market so that customers demanding carrots dont go home carrotless. In Manitoba there are some carrot farmers but not enough to saturate the market thus the good prices we are facing. Supply is on the low end when it comes to carrots, though demand is being met there is more room in the market for other suppliers to enter it. References   Stevenson, AB, and J. Chaput. Carrot Insects. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. N.p., 1 July 1993. Web. 1 July 1998. . Fritz, Vincent A., Cindy B.S. Tong, Carl J. Rosen, and Terry Nennich. Carrot-Vegetable Crop Management. University of Minnesota Extension. N.p., 1 Sept. 2010. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. . Munro, D. B. and E. Small (1997). Vegetables of Canada. National Research Council. Chaput, J. (2000). Identification and Management of Carrot Root Diseases. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Nitrogen recommendations for carrots: Approximate Yield Goal2 Soil Organic Matter Level (O.M.)1 Organic Soil Low Medium High cwt/A N to Apply (lb/A) Soil Tes K Level (ppm) 0-41 41-80 81-120 121-160 161-200 201+ Yield goal cwt/A K2O to Apply (lb/A)2 350 200 150 100 75 50 0 Soil test P Level (ppm) Bray-P1 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51+ Olsen-P 0-7 7-15 16-25 26-33 34-41 42+ Yield Goal cwt/A P2O5 to Apply (lb/A)2 350 150 100 75 50 25 0
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
telecommuting :: essays research papers
Telecommuting Telecommuting starts with the lower level of the working class workers but with the success it has had it’s rapidly moving towards the executive level. There are two form of telecommuting the employers use today, one is home telecommuting which is a work arrangement the most people do this is working from home with a computer terminal utilizing today’s current technology by transmitting data and documents while working from home and maintaining a close contact with co-workers, managers, through the use of email, internet (instant messenger), and telephone and fax machines as well. Video conferencing using web cameras can also be an effective tool for telecommuting in order to help enhance for its employees and executives. The other form of telecommuting is center based telecommuting that involves the use of office space close to home where employees works without direct supervision, commute travel is still reduced and some of the disadvantages of home offices are remove d. Home telecommuting plugs into everything that is happening at the office just as if they were at the office. By opening your networks to the public and allowing your information available to the internet Co-works will have to access your information available with many different types of home equipment needed for home telecommuting that can be a little expensive at first to get started. Some of the different equipment that is needed is a computer with fax and scanner so proper communications are available, phone, high speed internet connection, a desk, file cabinets, and a web camera with an internet messenger along with video conferencing software. There are many advantages for companies today to use telecommuters in their day to day business operations. This allows business’s to cut corners and save money so that way more money can be spent on other projects which will make more of a profit, and help reduce the costs for gas and travel expense for employees who travel a lot. They also have a larger audience of applicants to choose from which allows them to sort out the for specific skill or education for jobs they are trying fill which later will help contribute to an increase productivity and promoting a happier staff giving more time to workers for family time at home. By using telecommuters who will be actually working at the office perhaps once a weak or so helps save on realistic costs because employees who work at home do not need offices and when they are at the office they can share cubicles with other telecommuters promoting less space needed to lease.
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