Thursday, January 23, 2020
Film Analysis about Women in the Movie Pretty Woman Essay example -- e
The Hollywood movie Pretty Woman (1990) is about a prostitute in Hollywood, marrying an extremely rich businessman, in spite of her mutual distrust and prejudice. The movie contains the basic narrative of the Cinderella tale: through the love and help of a man of a higher social position, a girl of a lower social status moves up to join the man at his level. Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Woman comes from a small town in Georgia, and works as a prostitute on the streets of Hollywood to support herself. Although Vivian's social position is very low, she has a strong sense of personal dignity and independence. Even though sometimes she have to stand by the street with empty stomach to wait for clients, Vivian and her friend Kit still keep themselves from the control of pimps, and "act as their own agents". Later, at the end of Vivian's one-week business arrangement with wealthy Edward Lewis (the Prince to her dream), which culminates in love and growing mutual respect, he offers her an apartment, a car and a credit card to get her off the streets, but she refuses. For Vivian, however, this arrangement is only different in terms of "geography" and terms of payment for the "business†; between them. Vivian knows that in society her own effort is the key to supporting herself and eventually securing a better future. She wants to set up a life in the city and tries very hard to look for a job. Due to lack of a skill, although she is willing to do heavy or dirty work, she is not able to find a job with enough pay to support herself. Her goal in life is simply to support herself by her own effort instead of letting somebody else arrange and control her life. This, in it self, represents a spirit of active effort for someone like Vivian. In addition to her efforts in trying to support herself and realize her own goals, Vivian also endeavors to help others. With a part of the $3000 windfall she earns from her week with Edward Lewis, she presses her friend Kit to pursue her long-dormant desire to become a beautician. And her most significant achievement is helping Edward Lewis, the corporate raider, rediscover his humanity, so he can build things instead of dismantling the work of othe rs for profit, and find a more meaningful life other than locking himself in work. The two aspects discussed above display the changes of emphasis on self-... ...ulminates in an attempt to rape her. In the attempted rape scene, it is very clear that Phil wants to rape Vivian not to quench an uncontrollable sexual impulse, but to give vent to all his anger for what he has lost -- the money from an unfriendly buyout that Edward has overturned with his newfound humanity, and the control of Edward. Phil wants to humiliate Vivian as he feels he has been humiliated, and, if possible, destroy her. The rape is not about sex but about abasement and power. Pretty Woman, 1990s Hollywood movie, embodies many new as well as old values and ideologies. I was surprised when I saw that, the old themes and sexual stereotypes are not completely abandoned, but the old portrayals of gender stereotypes are transmuted. Finally, the movie says that women, first of all, should rely on themselves and not submit to any kind of domination. They should simply support themselves by their own efforts instead of letting someone else arrange and control their lives. The movie also demonstrates how a girl possessing the virtues of honesty, patience, prudence, industry, and obedience can be rewarded with a husband and the attendant better life and higher social position.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Volcanic Eruptions and Hawaii: The Dreadful Effects of Magma
Volcanic Volcanic eruptions and Hawaii: The Dreadful Effects of MagmaParticularsPage No.Understanding Vents2Home plate Architectonicss3Erupted Material4Hawaii and Volcanic Volcanic eruptions5Volcanic eruption History6Impact of the Hawaiian Volcanic eruptions7Other Side of the Coin8Precautions/Safety in Hawaiian island9-10Recommendation for catastrophe Management11Mentions12Understanding Vents Thevolcano wordis acquired from Vulcano, a volcanic concatenation of the Aeolian Islands of Italy whose name in bend is derived from Vulcan, the God of fire in Roman mythology. Avolcanois a crevice on the exterior layerof aplanetary-mass surface, like Earth, which permits volcanic ash, hot lava, and gases to dispatch from a magma chamber below the surface. Vents originate on Earth as its crust is divided into 17prime, house tectonic home bases drifting above a soft bed with high temperature within its mantle. Therefore vents are normally present in countries wherethis tectonic home bases indulge in diverging or meeting activity. For case, a mid-oceanic ridge, such as theRidge, is an result of diverging tectonic home bases ; whereas the Pacific ring of Fire is formed by meeting home bases nearing towards each other. Stretching and cutting of the home bases inside the earth’s exterior bed can besides ensue into a vent, e.g. , Rio Grande Rift in North America. Volcanic activities can besides be seen at countries off from the tectonic home bases and are known as Hotspots.Volcanoes in Hawaii are believed to originate from a central-mantle, 3,000km deep inside the surface of Earth. It is a rare state of affairs to happen a vent in an country where home bases slide over each other. Vents which Erupt have the ability to do threat, even in the countries non environing the eruption part. A threat like the ash of the vent can make a immense hazard for an Aeroplane specifically 1s with the jet engines, the atoms will liquefy at high temperatures and stick toblades in the turbine changing their formation. Huge eruptions cool the lower ambiance of the Earth but besides lead to hot temperatures at the upper ambiance of the Earth. Adequate grounds exists to turn out that the volcanic winters lead to black dearths. Some common types of vents are shield vents, crypto domes. Volcanic cones ( cinder cones ) , stratovolcanoes, super vents, pigboat vents and clay vents Home plate tectonics Divergent home base boundaries The formation of a new ocean crust leads to the separation of two tectonic home bases besides as the surface is really slender near these topographic points the stretch due to the tectonic home bases, consequences into fragmental thaw of the mantle, ensuing in volcanic eruptions. As these type of boundaries exist deep into the oceans the volcanic activities are normally undersea. Convergent home base boundaries The hit of two home bases leads to the formation of magma as one of the home bases increases the temperature of H2O in the submersed home base forming magma. Due to its high silicon oxide content the magma is vigorous in nature, normally the magma is unable to do it to the surface. But formation of a vent takes topographic point when it is able to make to the upper surface organizing an island. â€Å" Hot spots †Volcanic countries which are considered to â€Å" Hotspots â€Å" is the name given to volcanic countries believed to be established bynucleation of a hot stone inside the Earth taking to a nappy, vents turn inactive temporarily as tectonic home bases move across them. The Hawaiian Islands is considered as a consequence of such process. Though, many disapprove with these sort of unproved theories. Erupted stuff Lava composingMagma holding the silica content of more than 63 % is known as felsic. Felsic lava is a extremely barbarous and vigorous fluid normally erupted from big sized domes. Gass which get trapped due to its barbarous nature leads to immense pollution.52–63 % of silicon oxide content is known as the lava of intermediatecomposition. Normally formed by hydration thaw of peridotite this magma contains deposits and therefore silica content is lower than felsic.45-52 % of silicon oxide content, the lava is known as mafic. These lavas have high content of Mg and Fe and be given to be hotter than felsic excessively. Mafic lava is a really common sight in the instance of volcanic eruptionsThe ultramafic lava is the one which contains less than 45 % of silicon oxide content, it is highly rare to happen the ultramafic lava, it has been found merely one time till now and is the hottest one of all. Fluid is excessively hot and is besides higher in content of Mg and Fe compared to ma fic lava.Hawaii and Volcanic Volcanic eruptions Hawaii is a typical topographic point when it comes to geological universes criterions as it is cause by â€Å"hotspots†. There exist merely a few of hot spots on Earth and Hawaii has the biggest crustal surface beneath its vents on Earth – the Pacific home base. The motion of the home bases has resulted into the Hawaiian island and Kauai holding inactive vents stands to be the most elderly island of all, and is about 50lakh old ages old. The most immature and besides one of the active vents is the island which is besides known as the â€Å"big Island†which we all know as Hawaii with the lava crust less than a million twelvemonth old. Loihi is besides one of the active vents in Hawaii. Kilauea the most active vent in the universe is a shield vent covering 14 % of the entire island the south-east portion of the Hawaii. The local population believe the 1227metre vent to be the place of Hawaiian vent goddess Pele. From a normal oculus it seems to be merged with another vent i.e. the Mauna Loa whereas scientific research prove that it is an unconnected vent with its ain activities. The vent has 61 recorded eruptions harmonizing to the United States geo-survey and has shown uninterrupted activities since the past 32 old ages. Volcanic eruption History The local Hawaiian people have written about the extraordinary phenomenon of volcanic eruption manner before the worldwide diaries. Thomas Jagger is one of the great personalities in the geologists list to hold done the base research on the activities of vent and besides to convert the United States geological section to take deeper research of these vents though Jagger is an American geologist, he formed the Hawaiian volcanic research association before the Geological section merely with the aid of a local business communities. The Hawaiians have a long history with these vents who they consider as their Gods and have written about them in the same mode. They believe these eruptions to be the choler or sadness of their God towards them. The twelvemonth 1990 experienced the most devastation menace by the Kilauea as it destroyed about 100 houses including a church and the town Parkss. The impact left a lava filling of 15-24 meters on the town therefore destructing everything that of all time existed on the surface. A Person names jack Thompson was loath to go forth his place even after detecting all his neighbors and milieus consumed by lava near the royal gardens. It was merely in 2012 when he and his friend were rescued by a chopper as his house was consumed by the vigorous lava of the Hawaiian vents. Lava still flows continuously to the ocean harmonizing to an observation by geologists. Impact of the Hawaiian Volcanic eruptions About 3 lakh people have died due to a direct or indirect impact of a volcanoe in the past 500 old ages. The explosive eruptions of vents have caused a batch of these deceases. Hawaiian eruptions are quieter and hold more fluids. Near to 97 people have died due to eruptions in Hawaii. But the impact of these eruptions on the civilized society and their substructures has been lay waste toing. An full small town names Kapoho has been brought to land zero in 1960 eruption. The volcanic activities have besides destroyed the royal gardens and a small town called Kalapana. An full small town named Hilo with the population of 40 thousand people was under great menace in 1984 Mauna Loa eruptions. Fortunately the Lava stopped some kilometers before the metropolis therefore salvaging it from being one of the largest risky volcanic eruption in the history. Volcanic eruptions have about destroyed 200 standing constructions including national Parkss, Gardens and many places and edifices in the little town of Kalapana. Except of the short term impacts of the vents, the large concern is are the people populating around still healthy? Dangerous gases such as H2O, CO2, CO, SO2, and H2S are spread in the air through volcanic eruptions A Study by an helper professor of the Nevada Orvis School of nursing shows that there was a important addition in concerns and sore pharynxs with people coming in contact with the vent or life nearby it. Besides 56 % addition was observed in people describing coughs after an impact and 600 % addition in take a breathing related diseases. In long term external respiration in the surrounding of a vent such as life in Hawaii can diminish the life anticipation to a great extent and therefore is besides non a suited pick for people with take a breathing upsets. Other Side of the Coin The Geo-thermal power works which can be constructed near a vent is really helpful to Hawaii as they have abundant militias due to volcanic activities.the Puna Geo-thermal works contributes to 23 % per centum of the electricity needs in Hawaii bring forthing 30megawatts of electricity and besides has late increased the production capacity by 8 % . The Volcanoes in Hawaii have provided a batch to the comprehensive cognition of the worlds on vents. The research on the nature of these vents is one of the basic grounds why today scientists are able to understand and foretell volcanic eruptions, salvaging a big sum of of human lives. Thus Hawaii has presented an exceeding chance for the survey and research of vents and their behavior in general. Volcanic activity beneath the ocean has the ability to make islands such as Hawaii itself. Unique sorts of workss and animate beings evolve in these sort of islands, Such as the Hawaiian Flora.Thus Hawaii really owns its being to such results of volcanic eruptions. Precautions/ Safety warning Systems in the Hawaiian Island It is believed that Kilauea is a safe vent as it’s slow and the Hawaiian national park has provided proper guidelines at each risky zone. Although tourer non cognizant about the insecure environment and besides the type of tourer who wittingly break the guidelines lead to a large figure of deceases. There have been instances of people sitting on a stone of magma and taking to hurts due to tear in the stone as the interior was weak and was unseeable to a normal oculus. Populating near an eruption zone? Don’t worry you will be informed for emptying merely in clip. The USGS scientists have instruments supervising the rift zones every hr each twenty-four hours. The seismographs predict the volcanic eruption manner before as there has to be some activity, there is no such thing as a sudden eruption as the new engineerings can observe it several hours prior to the eruption excessively. During the Kalapana Eruption in 1990 the local population was informed hebdomads before therefore supplying them a batch of clip for emptying. The United States Geological Survey section has implemented assorted safety alert- presentment systems against the activities of vents. The watchful presentment degree is dependent on four degree qui vives and besides four levelled air power coloring material codification. The degrees are decided by the scientist by monitoring and analyzing the volcanic activities and along with their cognition and experience on the eruptions. The vent alert degree can be explained utilizing the colors and the four degrees which are normal, consultative, ticker and warning. These marks are spread through wirelesss and the air power coloring material codifications are spread out in the sky utilizing aircrafts to signal the population on the landDegreeAviation coloring material codificationInterpretationNormalGreenIt is normal as specified, therefore the vent has stopped break outing and has reached to an inactive provinceAdvisoryYellowThe activities have minimized in an effectual mode but still barbarous activities might regenerate the eruptionWatchOrangeVolcano is active and is demoing barbarous activities the tallness and ash exhausts degree are besides provided if possible.WarningRedVolcanic eruption is prevailing on a important degree and tallness of the ash exhausts and the degree is highly unsafe. Take immediate actions towards your safety.Recommendations for Disaster Management As observed throughout my research the USGS has already taken a batch of proper stairss against the safety of worlds during the volcanic eruption idea there are some recommendations which can increase the safety of the population. To USGS Awareness among the tourers: – During the research, It was found that a batch of tourers in Hawaii are incognizant of the safety jeopardies and the proper significance of the catastrophe marks. The decease and hurt rate among the tourer in Hawaii still exists and should be prevented. To Population Communication: – There are opportunities of the communicating web acquiring disrupted during such a state of affairs, therefore everyone should cognize whom and how to pass on during such a state of affairs Responsible Emptying: – A list of points should be kept for such unfortunate events -Significant paperss, Medications, Valuables which are easy to transport and nutrient supply for long term endurance. Normally people who are designated as absurd before the catastrophe sometimes are the 1s who survive it. Cipher is prepared for such a jeopardy that’s the lone ground it is termed as a catastrophe. A responsible and educated society can avoid immense loss of human lives during such jeopardies. Mentions Hawaii flora – Hawaiian flowers and workss. 2015.Hawaii flora – Hawaiian flowers and workss. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . . 2015.. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? sid=HI. [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . Benefits of Volcanoes. 2015.Benefits of Volcanoes. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // . [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . Evacuating During Volcanic Activity. 2015.Evacuating During Volcanic Activity. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 26 March 2015 ] . Kilauea Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii Threatens Village | GeoEvents | Earthscope. 2015.Kilauea Volcanic Volcanic eruption in Hawaii Threatens Village | GeoEvents | Earthscope. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 28 March 2015 ] . Danger in Eden: The concealed jeopardies of vent geotourism | EARTH Magazine. 2015.Danger in Eden: The concealed jeopardies of vent geotourism | EARTH Magazine. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] . Health Effectss of Hawaii’s’ Active Volcano – Honolulu wellness and felicity | 2015.Health Effectss of Hawaii’s’ Active Volcano – Honolulu wellness and felicity | [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] . The 1859 eruption of Mauna Loa and its human impact. . 2015.The 1859 eruption of Mauna Loa and its human impact.. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] .
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
A Selection System In Human Resource Management Is...
A selection system in human resource management is combination of tools and procedures used in choosing a person who is qualified for a certain role, who can successfully bring valuable contributions to an organization (Foot, Hook, Jenkins, 2016). An effective selection system is fundamentally based on job analysis so that the selection tools utilized in the recruitment process add value to the organization. This selection system provides a framework for recruiting an accountant, and it provides job analysis for the position as well as the selection tools and procedures for the position. †¢ Job title: Accountant This position generally involves providing the day to day support to the accounting function of the company. †¢ Brief summary of†¦show more content†¦Those who do not meet this requirement will be eliminated at this stage. Other items to check during screening are education background and work experience as stated in the job analysis. As result, the tool is reliable in ensuring misfits will not be able to proceed to the next level. The applications for the position will be received online through recruitment portals and therefore the applications will be screened electronically by the human resource personnel. This tool will be administered by two human resource staff and it will take approximately five hours to execute. Telephone interviews Telephone interview is the second tool in the selection system. It involves contacting the applicants who passed the in the screening tool. The questions that are asked in the telephone interview are based on the job analysis weighed against the applicant’s responses in the application materials. It is a cost effective and reliabvle tool in selecting the best candidates who will proceed to next level in the recruitment process. One basic question that can asked on the telephone interview is, â€Å"Do you still have interest in the job that you applied for?†those who provide a â€Å"no†answer will automatically be eliminated from the selection system. Other leading questions will enable the recruiter to measure other key KSAO’s such as experience, communication skills and educational qualifications. This tool will be administered by one human resourceShow MoreRelatedSelection System Of Human Resource Management1208 Words  | 5 PagesSelection system A selection system in human resource management is combination of tools and procedures used in choosing a person who is qualified for a certain role, who can successfully bring valuable contributions to an organization (Foot, Hook, Jenkins, 2016). An effective selection system is fundamentally based on job analysis so that the selection tools utilized in the recruitment process add value to the organization. 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