Sunday, August 23, 2020
The Blue Sword CHAPTER ONE
She glared at her glass of squeezed orange. To believe that she had been pleased when she initially shown up here †was it just three months back? †with the possibility of new squeezed orange consistently. However, she had been anxious to be charmed; this was to be her home, and she needed severely to like it, to be thankful for it †to act well, to make her sibling glad for her and Sir Charles and Lady Amelia satisfied with their liberality. Woman Amelia had clarified that the plantations just a couple of days south and west of here were the best in the nation, and a significant number of the oranges she had seen at Home, before she came over here, had most likely originated from those equivalent plantations. It was difficult to have confidence in orange forests as she peered out the window, over the level deserty plain past the Residency, solid by much else incredible than a couple of patches of cruel grass and hindered sand-hued hedges until it vanished at the feet of the dark and copper-earthy colored mountains. However, there was new squeezed orange consistently. She was the first down to the table each morning, and was tenderly prodded by Lady Amelia and Sir Charles about her solid youthful craving; yet it wasn't hunger that drove her up so early. Since her days were unfilled of direction, she was unable to rest when night came, and before breakfast every morning she was more than prepared for the house cleaner to go into her room, push back the blinds from the tall windows, and give her some tea. She was frequently up when the lady showed up, and dressed, sitting at her window, for her window confronted a similar heading as the morning meal room, gazing at the mountains. The hirelings thought sympathetically about her, as she gave them minimal additional work; yet a woman who rose and dressed herself so early, and without help, was unquestionably somewhat unconventional. They was aware of her ruined foundation; that clarified a lot; however she was in a fine house now, and her host and master were quite ready to give her anything she may ne ed, as they had no offspring of their own. She may invest somewhat more energy to adjust to so wonderful a presence. She tried. She recognized what the musings behind the looks the hirelings gave her were; she had managed workers previously. In any case, she was adjusting to her new life as best as her lively soul could. She may have shouted, and pounded on the dividers with her clench hands, or hopped over the low windowsill in her room, climbed to the ground by the ivy trellis (exceptional ivy, reared to withstand the desert heat, painstakingly watered by Sir Charles' planter consistently), and run off toward the mountains; yet she was attempting her best to be acceptable. So she was just first to the morning meal table. Sir Charles and Lady Amelia were such was thoughtful to her, and she was partial to them following half a month in their organization. They had, surely, been unmistakably more than kind. At the point when her dad passed on a year prior, Richard, an extremely junior military assistant, had laid the trouble of an unmarried sister and an involved domain before Sir Charles, and asked for guidance. (She heard this, to her intense shame, from Richard, who needed to be certain she seen the amount she must be appreciative for.) He and his better half had said that they would be glad to offer her a home with them, and Richard, too eased to even consider thinking hard about the respectability of such a blessing, had kept in touch with her and stated, Come out. He had not explicitly stated, Mind your habits, however she comprehended that as well. She hadn't any decision. She had known, in light of the fact that her dad had revealed to her five years back when her mom kicked the bucket, that she would have no legacy; what cash there was tied up carefully for the oldest child. â€Å"Not that Dickie will abuse you,†their dad had stated, with the phantom of a grin, â€Å"but I feel that, with your disposition, you had best have as far as might be feasible an admonition to surrender to it. You'll like being subject to your sibling even less, I extravagant, than you like being reliant on me.†He tapped his fingers around his work area. The idea that lay quiet between them didn't should be spoken so anyone might hear: that it was not likely she would wed. She was pleased, and in the event that she had not been, her folks would have been glad for her. What's more, there is little market for destitute bluebloods of no specific excellence †particularly when the blueness of the blood is suspected to have been weakene d by a flawed extraordinary grandma on the mother's side. What the tentativeness precisely comprised of, Harry didn't know. With the narcissism of youth she had not thought to ask; and later, after she had understood that she couldn't have cared less for society nor society for her, she wanted to inquire. The shipboard excursion east on the Cecilia had been long however uneventful. She had discovered her ocean legs nearly without a moment's delay, and had warmed up to a moderately aged woman, likewise voyaging alone, who posed no close to home inquiries, and advanced her books uninhibitedly to her young partner, and talked about them with her upon their arrival. She had released her own brain numb, and had perused the books, and sat in the sun, and walked the decks, and not considered the past or what's to come. They docked at Stzara without disaster, and she found the earth hurled under her unusually when she previously set foot shorewards. Richard had been allowed a month's leave to meet her and escort her north to her new home. He looked more youthful than she had expected; he had gone abroad three years prior, and had not been Home again since. He was friendly to her at their get-together, however attentive; they appeared to share little practically speaking any more. I shouldn't be amazed, she thought; it's been quite a while since we played together consistently, before Dickie was sent off to class. I'm an encumbrance now, and he has his profession to consider. However, it is ideal to be companions, she thought insightfully. At the point when she squeezed him to give her some thought of what she could expect of her new life, he shrugged and stated: â€Å"You'll see. The individuals resemble Home, you know. You needn't have a lot to do with the locals. There are the hirelings, obviousl y, yet they are OK. Try not to stress over it.†And he took a gander at her with so stressed a face that she didn't realize whether to chuckle or to shake him. She stated, â€Å"I wish you would mention to me what is stressing you.†Variations of this discussion happened a few times during the main days of their excursion together. Now there would be a long quiet. At long last, as though he could bear it no more, he burst out: â€Å"You won't have the option to go on as you did at home, you know.†â€Å"But what do you mean?†She hadn't thought much about local hirelings, or her position, yet; and clearly Richard knew her all around ok of old to figure that now. She had kept in touch with him letters, a few every year, since he had gone abroad, however he had seldom replied. She had not disapproved of without question, in spite of the fact that she had thought once in a while, as when his six hurriedly scribbled lines at Christmas showed up, that it would have been wonderful on the off chance that he were a superior reporter; yet it hadn't grieved her. It disturbed her now, for she felt that she was confronting an outsider †a more bizarre who maybe knew a lot about her and her acclimated lifestyle. She squinted at him, and attempted to rework her musings. She was energized, yet she was scared as well, and Richard was all she had. The memory of their dad's memorial service, and she the main relative remaining next to the pastor, and of the little bunch of workers and occupants whom she had known for her entire life and who were far away from her currently, was as yet crude and later. She would not like to consider her new life; she needed opportunity to slip into it progressively. She needed to imagine that she was a vacationer. â€Å"Dickie †Dick, what do you mean?†Richard more likely than not seen the achy to visit the family bewilderment all over. He glanced back at her miserably. â€Å"Oh †er †it's not your home, you know.†â€Å"Of course I know that!†she shouted. â€Å"I acknowledge what the Greenoughs are accomplishing for you and for me by †by taking me in.†And she included cautiously: â€Å"You disclosed all that to me in your letter.†He gestured. â€Å"Do you figure I don't have the foggiest idea how to carry on myself?†she said finally, prodded, and was remunerated by another long quietness while she felt the blood ascending in her face. â€Å"It's not that I don't think you know how,†he said finally. She winced, and he started: â€Å"An †â€Å" â€Å"Harry,†she said immovably. â€Å"It's still Harry.†He took a gander at her with consternation, and she understood that she was affirming his feelings of dread about her, however she wasn't going to yield about that of all things. The acknowledgment that she would demand being called Harry appeared to quiet him, since he didn't attempt to prevail upon her further, however pulled back into his corner seat and gazed out the window. She could judge by his voice that he would not like to hurt her, yet that he was really uncertain. She and Richard had been wild creatures together as little youngsters; yet when Dickie had been pressed off to class, their mom had hauled her into the house, generally by the ears or the scruff of the neck, and started the long troublesome procedure of improving her into something looking like a young woman. â€Å"I assume I ought to have begun years ago,†she disclosed to her gloomy little girl; â€Å"but you were having such a decent time, and I realized Dickie would be sent away soon. I thought it scarcely reasonable that your exercises should begin sooner.†This lifted the cloud a little from her girl's forehead, so she included with a grin, â€Å"And, in addition, I've generally enjoyed riding ponies and climbing trees and falling into lakes better myself.†After such an open affirmation of compassion from the foe, exercises would never be very terrible; then again, they were not maybe as careful as they would have been. On especially delightful days they frequently pressed a l
Friday, August 21, 2020
Case Analysis of Donner Company and Eiic Essay Example
Case Analysis of Donner Company and Eiic Paper The Donner Company produced printed circuit sheets to specificaiton of an assortment of gadgets makes. It delivers and offers products to its clients. While EIIC is an insurance agency which center for the most part around designing protection. It delivers and offers administration to clients. Issues for Donner Company: 1. For activity issue, there is a creation bottleneck exist in company’s activity, the moving bottleneck. The moving of procedure changed much of the time starting with one then onto the next in the assembling framework. Each individual requests of various clients consistently change subtleties since variable solicitation or unfit things. That will bring our laborers and remaining task at hand a great deal of difficulty. Simultaneously, we have the example of four-day surge orders. This thing will postpone the procedure as it some of the time needs adjust at a couple of activities. It is because of laborers are moved starting with one activity then onto the next one as demand’s changing so a few workstations are over-burden. Be that as it may, this circumstance just occurred during mass requests, while in short requests, for example, under 8 circuit sheets, Arthur Dief can complete it solo and great. Likewise, when the customer’s engineers have structure issues, they are allowed to make a call to activity part which can intrude on typical creation. That can be one issue which annoyed the procedure. There is an arrangement that the shipment ought to be done before end of a month, which legitimately lead to the enormous measure of shipment toward the month's end. We will compose a custom paper test on Case Analysis of Donner Company and Eiic explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Case Analysis of Donner Company and Eiic explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Case Analysis of Donner Company and Eiic explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer This won't just carry enormous strain to transportation office, yet in addition badly affects deals. Simultaneously, laborers are hustling just a bit for completing shipment, they would not think progressively about products’ quality. Additionally, measures of request continue changing as often as possible will likewise present to us a similar outcome. 2. Plummer found that a few machines are inert all the time, which certainly wicked good our yield. This is identified with the every now and again moving. Since, the time laborers squandered on moving starting with one station then onto the next can be considered the inactive time, which is equivalent to abbreviate the ideal opportunity for creating. As indicated by these we can see, the activity techniques are not also proceeded as it ought to be. Likewise, we have to grow new thoughts which can be utilized to improve our procedure, for example, rescheduling orders and reassigning laborers, which can raise our profitability in further days. 3. For administrative issue, I don’t figure organization did great job on investigation of products’ quality since beneficiary returns and reprocessing are continuing expanding. In spite of the fact that it is extremely hard to investigate stricter as their requests are not the same as one another, they despite everything need a viable strategy to keep their products’ great quality. As in September, in view of fragmented activities and adjusting of circuit sheets, companyâ€⠄¢s preshipment dismiss rates expanded and lead to a 6% misfortune on benefit. Likewise the organization as less shipments because of creation postponed for 9 days and revamping expanded. Albeit employed 8 new specialists for helping previous work, the organization despite everything need to prepare them and it would require some investment for them to getting acquainted with this work. Suggestions: 1. So as to take care of the issue of creation bottleneck, the stir heap up and run out in the activity framework, the organization should just be tolerating orders that are achievable to do and those can be conveyed on schedule. So the organization can concentrate on the exceptional requests or definite solicitation of clients, additionally develop their notoriety by finish request immediately. In this circumstance, the inert occasions can be diminished as all specialists need to complete their errand. The most significant is, they should diminish the moving of laborers starting with one activity then onto the next. Despite the fact that each laborer knows more than one aptitude, it is better for them to remain in one station and finish one single procedure as it can stop burn through so much time and lessen turnover. 2. For the creating procedure, we should get a superior and increasingly monetary path as a few procedure has at least two delivering technique or devices. As Drill process, they utilize Manual and CNC drill working at same time. All things considered, it is smarter to utilize CNC Drill all the procedure when creating number is equivalent or more noteworthy than 6, and manual when lower than 6. For Profile, when greater than 200, use CNC Router, and assuming less, use Punch Press. Show 2. 3. For the since quite a while ago run methodology, it is better for the organization to set up two lines for creation, one is for ordinary creation and the other is fore unique requests. Under this circumstance, we can set a minority number of laborers produce on the ordinary line, on which we can improve our work effectiveness as everybody knows about all the procedure. In the mean time, we can set a larger part number of laborers take a shot at the new line that can overhaul, revise of finish explicit requests. It won't upset the ordinary creating line as they are isolated and laborers will be more spotlight on their occupations, which can show signs of improvement item quality and proficiency. Additionally, they will become acclimated to the variable request circumstance, which can improve their versatility. 4. As returns and reprocessing are keeping high, we have to improve our administrative technique. First we have to improve our review. We ought to draw out a point by point and clear standard for laborers to allude to. Additionally, we have to upgrade our investigation by directors and gap them into each procedure and assess each strategy, by which we can stop inadequate items as quickly as time permits and keep away from further work on pointless items. Simultaneously, we have to preparing our workers on creating ability and further information, so as to get less improve or reprocessing. Issues for EIIC 1. It is the ideal opportunity for EIIC to improve their administration productivity. As we probably am aware, the essential procedures for the company’s monitors to complete their obligation are appeared in Exhibit 1-2. The ideal opportunity for showing up at mishap place is under 60 minutes. It is quick and the company’s workers are glad for this. In any case, then again, they need an exceptionally prolonged stretch of time for setting up the FIO report, as a Medium-Sized branch’s normal time is 26 days. This is the greatest bottleneck of procedure. As the organization all utilized capable investigators, they ought not work in such a moderate condition. One of the most likely reasons is the working two jobs. Case disclosed to us that there are evaluated almost half to 70% of EIIC’s auditors had low maintenance work. Despite the fact that it is allowed in the organization, I believe that will bring down the productivity and impact of their unique work in EIIC as working two jobs will cost a few physical power and time which ought to be placed into the EIIC’s work and get the FIO procedure quicker wrapped up. We utilize the normal level of out-working individuals: (50%+70%)/2=60%. On the off chance that these limit are for the most part being utilized to get ready for the FIO report, the time spending on that will in any event diminish to: 26/(1+60%)=16. 25 days, which is a major advancement. 2. EIIC’s showcase system should be adjusted. From the case we found that EIIC’s benefit is diminishing these years while they used to win the market. As we probably am aware, EIIC is an insurance agency which is center just around assembling protection. While the majority of other insurance agencies have a wide range of protection, for example, life coverage and clinical protection, this is a huge market. The organization is explicit and proficient on designing, the greater part of EIIC’s office and workers are in building foundation and experience. It is outlandish for the organization to change over its market to various types of protection. The nly successful transient technique for the organization is to develop itself as an upper level designing insurance agency which is the best and celebrated for its great help quality to draw in more clients. 3. Partners have strife between one another during working. The primary explanation behind boss inspectors’ having struggle with chiefs is they have a few comp arable employments or useful power yet don’t have comparative guidelines for fathoming them. As a matter of fact, these two jobs have various things to perform. Administrator is progressively budgetary and administrative however the main reviewer is all the more building and specialized. Chief is more spotlight on working business easily, getting more benefit and upgrade entire organization. While monitor needs to ensure each issue is unraveled totally and undoubtedly. They demand various perspectives with the goal that will prompt distinctive activity, as one of them sees the different as â€Å"went by book†. 4. Turnover of worker is excessively high. Two fundamental explanations behind its high turnover are: the pay level in EIIC is equivalently lower among a similar business organization; proficient examiners are exceptionally expected in the human asset markets. Either in view of trackers ‘action or workers’ own willing, once there is a superior compensation, they will leave EIIC. Simultaneously, EIIC gave their laborers a decent stage to rehearse themselves, like IBM, and get them progressively alluring to other organization. As endorsing, the majority of them accepted there was no drawn out profession way on it. Clearly EIIC’s staffs have a significant issue of vocation arranging. Proposal: 1. Change the previous showcasing methodology for the organization. As EIIC is celebrated for the building protection, it is increasingly viable for EIIC to prop up on with this objective in present moment. In any case, they have to improve the present methodology as increasingly upper level. We can find the organization as a profoundly s
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
What is a good metaphor for someone or something that leaves home but in the end they always return †I was writing a college application essay
What is a good metaphor for someone or something that leaves home but in the end they always return – I was writing a college application essay? In sum, a metaphor is a figure of speech that expresses some type of comparison between two unrelated things that share some common features such as being â€Å"the black sheep of the family†when someone is neither black nor a sheep. Some useful metaphors that can be used for this type of situation include someone who â€Å"boomerangs†between reckless adventures and the comfort and safety of home or who â€Å"flew the coop†but â€Å"returns to the nest†following an absence before they reach a â€Å"point of no return.†Perhaps the most well-known example of this type of behavior is contained in the Parable of the Lost Son (â€Å"The Prodigal Son†) described in the New Testament at Luke 15:11-21:22 which provides a useful example of individuals who return home after an absence, typically after engaging in activities that were disapproved of by their families such as being â€Å"three sheets to the wind.†Â
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay on Starbucks Coffee - 2048 Words
Starbucks Corporation Starbucks History: Starbucks’ opened its first store in 1971, at Pike Place Market in Seattle, by three partners Zev Siegel, Jerry Baldwin and Gordon Bowker. Starbucks opened with the intent of being a gourmet coffee bean retailer and coffee equipment seller. The Starbucks name and logo came from two influences; a character named Starbuck in the classic book, Moby Dick, and a mining camp on the base of Mt. Rainier called Starbo. These two influences were combined to create Starbucks. In 1982, entrepreneur and current chairman, Howard Schultz, joined the company. When Schultz joined the company, he wanted to change the company’s focus away from in home coffee production and coffee bean retailing, to also†¦show more content†¦The competition, however, is not equally balanced. Diedrich Coffee operates 370 coffeehouses in 37 states and 11 countries. Best Coffee operates 160 coffee cafes and 20 Italian coffee cafes in 17 states and 8 countries. Einstein/Noah Bagel Corporation operates 460 bagel cafes in the U.S. Starbucks has 15,000 locations in over 40 countries. It is clear that Starbucks has few major competitors, and the competition has nowhere Starbucks’ volume of operations. Starbucks is the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world. Smaller competitors, however, pose potential threats to the company. Competitors are selling similar products, including specialty coffees as well as high quality foods. In this slowing market, competition is high. Threat of Potential Entrants Porter’s next force is the threat of Potential Entrants. Starbucks, being the world leader in its industry, has controlled access to distribution channels. Starbucks has exhibited this control over distribution channels by setting guidelines for their suppliers to follow. One of their key attributes to success is innovation. Starbucks is constantly innovating and showing strong product differentiation in their industry. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Negative Effects of Smoking - 1151 Words
One of the hardest things in life is saying goodbye to the ones you love for the very last time. Smoking is a life-threatening addiction that has brought this tragedy to millions of families at an accelerated pace and not all have been those who do smoke. No one wants to have to deal with tragedy, but nowadays there may be no way to avoid it. Unless, that is, our government intervenes, and puts something into place to end the threat of Secondhand Smoke exposure. I believe the one thing that can be done to avoid this exposure, leading to the unwanted tragedy, is a nationwide public smoking ban. Everyone says that Smoking or not is your choice. While that is true, the effects that come of it are not. When a person smokes everyone around them is exposed. Smokers may be okay with taking a chance of dying over it, but are others willing to allow their Husband, wife, son, Daughter, or other family members to die over it as well? Smoking poses threats to others, especially smoking in a public place. According to MedlinePlus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, if each state puts a smoking ban in public places, they estimate that there would be 18,000 fewer heart attacks in one year in the United States. People who smoke potentially know their fate. Why is it we as the public should let those smokers can give the same fate to those who do not smoke? Smokers answer to this is, â€Å"Okay, it is dangerous, but I don’t want to have to walk a mile to smoke a cigarette†, butShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Smoking1719 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Smoking causes 1,300 deaths daily in the U.S., and an estimated 5.6 million pre-mature deaths is expected among American youths18 years and younger due to a smoking-related illness if smoking continues at the current rate (CDC, 2017). According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are currently 40 million adult smokers in the U.S. (CDC, 2017), and 763,960 of these residents are from Massachusetts (DPH, 2014). Smoking can cause various kinds of cancer such as those of the cervixRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Smoking1492 Words  | 6 PagesSmoking not only hurts its users, but it hurts whole communities and the economy. Researchers believe that smoking began around 1 BCE, with recreational use becoming a common thing as soon as European settlers reached the Americas in the 15th century (Borio). Throughout the past centuries, tobacco has been used in many different ways. As more methods of utilizing tobacco have become possibilities, their negative effects on their users and other people have increased. In order to make the tobaccoRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking892 Words  | 4 Pagesfifty one people die due to smoking which is about one person every minute. Even though smoking is bad it helps the government and the people. Smoking doesn’t kill a person it does more than that. It changes your appearance, health, and affects the people around you. Many people shoul d understand that smoking is not good for their health. One should consider the consequences of smoking. Every time a person smokes they are just pulling the trigger to kill themselves. Smoking cigarettes is very injuriousRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking1195 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Cigarettes destroy life. Toxic to the body. We are young generation. Confident for non-smokers.†This is motto of the Army Reserve Command to cultivate reserve officer training corps student and other youth to realize the harm of smoking. What is cigarette? cigarette under the Tobacco Act BE 2509 means that the tobacco or flavored tobacco, whether the drug or drugs to dry the compressed mixed or not. Which the cigarettes made with paper or object made instead of paper or dryRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Essay example2027 Words  | 9 Pages1.0 Introduction Smoking is considered a true addiction and is widespread throughout the world between the percentage of smokers at 47% of men and 12% of women who smoke, this causes cardiovascular diseases and deaths are caused by lung cancer and pharynx. Countries with low levels of socio-economic development ranked first in the ranks of the largest number of smokers with more than 15 years. The country sits at 46%, with a prevalence of 35% in people over the age of 15 years. This habit isRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Cigarettes Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesSmoking cigarettes can be very harmful to your life with so many health issues, such as heart disease, cancer and emphysema. Some people think it’s not a huge issue smoking cigarettes but it’s a great way to lose ten years of your life. You lose lots of money, a lifetime of health issues, and cause you to have yellowing of the teeth and bad breath .There is way too many health risks involved to start using this drug. Say no to cigarettes you will be healthier in the end then to continue on this wrongfulRead MoreNegative Effects of Smoking on Human Health and the Economy1475 Words  | 6 Pages Moreover, smoking particularly adversely affects womens reproductive health, and smoke exposure on children has had detrimental and some sometimes fatal effects on children. Many studies have examined and outlined the adverse effects of maternal smoking on both the mother as well as on the baby and/or infant ( Hofhuis, de Jongste, Merkus, 2003 Woolbright 1994). Many states such as Alabama required documentation on birth certificates of tobacco use of mothers (Woolbright, 1994). Despite theRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Tobacco Essay examples1063 Words  | 5 PagesThe Negative Effects of Smoking Tobacco One may think they have benefits from smoking because they fit in the crowd. Of course, thats not true. Someone may tell you that if you smoke youll be cool and everyone will like you. Then the crowd that smokes will like you but others may not. Your family may think you are uncool since you smoke. Other friends that you had may start not liking you since they wont want to be around you when you smoke. You might start to rather smoke then beRead MoreReason Why Teenagers Age 13- 18 Years Old from Different Colleges and Universities Engage in Cigarette Smoking Despite Its Negative Effects2166 Words  | 9 PagesEngage Themselves to Smoking A thesis submitted to the Faculty of St. Paul College, Pasig In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research Nicole Therese Ang-Angco Caryl Marie Balagot Cara Dominique Beltran Sheena Sharmaine Estayo Julianne Rose Santarina March 2009 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING A. Research Problem: Reason why teenagers age 13- 18 years old from different colleges and universities engage in cigarette smoking despite its negative effects B. Objectives:Read MoreOutcome of Banning Smoking in Public Areas663 Words  | 3 Pagesasthma problems has dropped by after smoking was banned in public places. Researchers from the University of Maastricht and the University of Edinburgh studied 250,000 hospital visits and more than 2.5 million births for asthma attacks in children. It was discovered that â€Å"preterm births and hospital attendance for asthma has fallen by 10% â€Å" especially in areas where smoking is banned. Though banning smoking at in public places would possibly have a negative effect, because people may start to smoke
Literature, Arts and Humanities Essay Example For Students
Literature, Arts and Humanities Essay Inductive reasoning proceeds from particular facts too general conclusion (or from effect to cause). Question 5: Multiple Choice Why is architecture considered an art? A) Because architecture provides shelter to humans b) Because architecture is often decorated with art forms c) Because architects use perspective in their work d) Because architecture is concerned with the aesthetic effect of structures in their environment setback: The correct answer is d. Architecture is considered an art because it is concerned With the aesthetic effect Of structures in their surrounding environment. Question 6: Multiple Choice The ideas Of the Renaissance are most commonly seen as paving the way or which of the following movements? A) Feudalism b) Imperialism c) Industrialism d) Age of Enlightenment Feedback: The correct answer is d. The ideas of the Renaissance are seen as paving the way for the Age of Enlightenment. Question 7: Multiple Choice Which of the following figures from the Renaissance worked in sculpture? A) Biostatic b) Rabbles c) Machiavelli d) Denotable Feedback: The correct answer is d. Denotable was a sculptor. The other figures are authors. Question 8: Multiple This philosopher is best known for his argument that a life guided by reason and virtue would lead to happiness. ) Aristotle b) Confucius c) Epicures d) Democratic Feedback: The correct answer is a, Aristotle is best known for for his argument that a life guided by reason and virtue would lead to happiness. Question g: Multiple Choice An art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the illusion of three dimensions is called: a) mesquite b) armature c) tromped Leila d) triage Feedback: The correct answer is c. Tromped Leila is the art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the illusion Of three dimensions. Question 10: Multiple In the Iliad, the poet Homer uses the phrase the wine-dark sea. This is an example fan author using: a) personification b) hyperbole c) a symbol d) a metaphor 2. 02 Module Pre-Test The documentary film An Inconvenient Truth about former vice president AAA Gores campaign to warn the public about climate change is an example of which of the following purposes of art? A) Art revealing beauty. B) Art illuminating the spiritual. C) Art edifying and persuading. ) Art evoking and expressing emotion, Feedback: The correct answer is c, The documentary film An Inconvenient Truth is an example of art being employed to edify and persuade. Question 2: Multiple Choice What is the innate or learned ability to appreciate a work of art? A) Aesthetics b) Aesthetic perception c) Apollonian response d) Shifting perspective Feedback: The correct answer is b. Aesthetic perceptio n is the innate or learned ability to appreciate a work of art. Question 3: Multiple Choice Which of the following American poets helped establish jazz poetry? ) Robert Frost b) Rite Dove c) Maya Angelo d) Longboats Hughes Feedback: The correct answer is d. Longboats Hughes helped establish jazz poetry. Question 4: Multiple Which of the following sis primary color? A) yellow b) green c) orange d) rupee Feedback: The correct answer is a. Yellow is a primary color. Question 5: A watercolors painting to which an opaque white has been added is called a A) fresco b) tempera c) gouache d) acrylic Feedback: The correct answer is c. A gouache is a watercolors painting to which an opaque white has been added. Question 6: Multiple Choice Which of the following artistic disciplines fostered Pictorials? ) Painting b) Printmaking c) Photography d) Landscape Feedback: The correct answer is c, Photography fostered Pastoralist, a movement which used soft focus, special filters and other effects to attempt to match painting and printmaking, Question : Multiple Choice What is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms, etc) on either side of a central axis? A) Balance b) Symmetry c) Asymmetry d) Focal area Feedback: The correct answer is b, Symmetry is the exact duplication of elements (shapes, forms, etc) on either side of a (usually imaginary) straight-lined central axis. Question 8: Multiple Choice What is a type of kinetic sculpture in which parts move, often by air currents? A) Pound sculpture b) Ephemeral sculpture c) Ecliptic sculpture d) A mobile Feedback: The correct answer is d. A mobile is a bye of kinetic sculpture in which arts emcee, often by air currents. Question g: Multiple Choice Which of the following movements stresses the inclusion or combination of several different styles in one composition or work Of art? A) International Style b) Functionalism c) Eclecticism d) Formalism Feedback: The correct answer is c. Eclecticism stresses the inclusion or combination of several different styles in one composition or work of art. Question 10: Multiple Choice The elegant gardens at Versailles are an example Of a) informal b) formal c) natural d) sustainable landscape design. Front Back The Scientific method can be described as: Empirical It is based on experiment and observation, rather than theory. Which of the following would best describe a spontaneous, unstructured, creative, passionate reaction to art or culture? Dionysian A detective who gathers clues in order to make sense of a crime is using which mode of study? Inductive Reasoning Working from the specific to the general in attempting to draw conclusions. The study of the creative and intellectual contributions of human cultures. Humanism The creative and intellectual contributions Of humankind. The Disciplines Of the humanities include the formal arts (visual art, music, literature, theatre, cinema, once, and architecture) and philosophy. Humanities Traditional stories of a people or culture that serve to explain some of the natural Phenomenon, the origin Of humanity, or customs or religious rights. Myths the emblematic mythic characters. Mages, plot patterns, symbols, and buried assumptions shared across cultures. Archetypes Use of a symbol object , or image to represent something else (i. E. A concept or idea). Symbolism A figure of speech in which something is explained in terms of something else. Metaphor A myth or archetype (e. G. The Hero) that is present in all societies and cultures, Also known as a world myth. Monthly A method of designing controlled experiments, gathering data, and developing and testing hypotheses about the natural world. Scientific Method An analytical, rational, objective reaction. Apollonian Response Thinking in a linear, step-by-step manner about ideas or problems. Logic A conception of what is artistically valid or beautiful in art, culture, or nature. Aesthetics A spontaneous, unstructured, creative, passionate reaction Dionysian Response A colorful, Image filled , metaphor rich, use of language to describe art or life. Figurative explanation A study Derived from experiment and observation rather than theory. Empirical Congruity or compatibility of parts with on another and with the whole. The state Of all elements being in perfect balance. Harmony The mythic quest in pursuit of some destination or goal whose attainment will lend greater meaning to life. The Journey Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect). Deductive Reasoning An artistic medium that uses the motion picture as a vehicle for storytelling and other creative expression. Cinema Variation of the length and accentuation of a series of sounds or movements ever time; in poetry, the arraignment of spoken words alternating stresses and unstressed elements. Rhythm a Philosophy which asserts that great happiness in elite is found in avoiding pain. On The Waterfront EssayTexture is the surface quality of materials, either actual or implied. Question 12: Multiple Choice Which of the following statements is false? A) In two. Dimensional art, circles and squares are shapes, b) In two-dimensional art, circles and squares are forms, c) In two-dimensional art, circles and squares are directional lines. D) In vivo- dimensional art, circles and squares are lines on a flat surface with identifiable boundaries. Feedback: The correct answer is c. This is a false statement. Circles and squares are NOT directional lines; they are shapes and forms (that is, lines on a flat surface with identifiable boundaries). Question 13: Multiple Choice An artists use of color is sometimes called a) hue b) luminosity c) saturation d) palette Feedback: The correct answer is d. An artists use of color is sometimes called palette. Question 14: Multiple Choice In two-dimensional art, texture is a) Literal b) Tactile c) Figurative d) Actual Feedback: In two-dimensional art, texture is figurative, implied by contrasts of objects or representations of things with texture. Question 15: Multiple Choice makes a work of art feel cohesive and finished, with all the elements looking as though they belong together a) Balance b) unity c) Contrast d) Emphasis Feedback: The correct answer is b. Unity makes a work Of art feel cohesive and finished, With all the elements looking as though they belong together. Question 16: Multiple Choice Which of the following functions of art is reflected in a museum collection of 1 9th century Wedged china? A) Commerce b) Political and social commentary c) Healing d) Historical artifact Feedback: The correct answer is d. A museum collection of 1 9th century Wedged china would reflect the artifact function. 74/ 100 Pontifical score: 2. 25 Self-Assessment This American photographer was leading advocate of Pictorials. A) Throated Lange b) Alfred Satellite c) Ansell Adams d) Edward Stenches Feedback: The correct answer is c. Alfred Satellite was a leading advocate of Pictorials. Which of the following statements about drawing is false? A) In Western art, drawing is often seen as exploratory, a preparation for more permanent art. B) In East Asia, there isnt as clear a distinction between drawing and painting as in the West. ) Drawing is confined to the use of dry media. D) Quick drawings are called sketches. Feedback: The correct answer is c. Drawing is NOT confined to dry media, liquid media (like pen and ink) can also be used. Question 3: Multiple Serigraphs is also known as a) bibliographic b) lithography c) screenwriting d) intaglio Feedback: The correct answer is c. Serigraphs is also known as screen writing_ Question 4: Multiple Choice Photography as a visual art requires the photographer to: a) design an image b) compose an image c) execute an image d) all Of the above Feedback: The correct answer is d. Photography as a visual art requires the photographer to design, compose, and execute an image. Question S: Multiple Choice A water-based paint that uses egg, glue, or casein as binder is called: a) gouache b) tempera c) acrylic d) fresco Feedback: The correct answer is b. A water-based paint that uses egg, glue, or casein as a binder is called tempera. One advantage of this media for painting is that it does not yellow with age. A) oil paint (linseed) b) acrylic paint c) fresco d) tempera Feedback: The correct answer is b. Acrylic paint does not yellow with age. Question 7: Multiple Choice This technique creates the illusion of depth through gradations to light and shade, a) Linear perspective b) Aerial perspective c) Chiaroscuro d) all of the above Feedback: The correct answer is c. Chiaroscuro creates the illusion of depth through gradations of light and shade. Question 8: Multiple Choice Straight or pure photography was advocated by these photographers. ) the Pictorials b) the Realists c) Group f/64 d) none of the above Feedback: The correct answer is c. Straight or pure photography was advocated by Group f,64. In drawing, using dots for tone, texture, and shading is called Blending b) Hatching c) Cross-hatching d) Stippling Feedback: The correct answer is d. Using dots for tone, texture, and shading is called stippling. Question 1 C: Multiple Choice Two-dimensional art that is so naturalistic that it appears to have depth and distance has been dubbed by the French . A) Chiaroscuro b) Tromped Leila c) Gouache d) Fresco Feedback: The correct answer is b. Tromped Leila (French for fool the eye) is two. Emotional art that is so naturalistic that it appears to have depth and distance, Question 11: Multiple Choice The printmaking technique of prints an image from a recessed design incised or etched into the surface off plate. A) Intaglio b) Relief c) Lithography d) Serigraphs Feedback: The correct answer is a. Intaglio prints an image from a recessed design incised or etched into the surface of a plate. 2. 32 Self- Assessment Question l: Multiple Choice The size or apparent size of an object seen in relation to other objects, people, r its environment is: a) scale b) proportion c) perspective d) focal point Feedback: The correct answer is a. Scale is the size or apparent size of an object seen in relation to other objects, people, or its environment. Question 2: Multiple A sculpture employing three-dimensions attached to a background and meant to be seen from one side is called: a) Relief sculpture b) Full round sculpture c) Linear sculpture d) Articulated sculpture Feedback: The correct answer is a. A sculpture employing three-dimensions attached to a background and meant to be seen from one side is called relief sculpture. Question 3: Multiple Choice Frederick Law Almagest is known for his design of: a) the Capital Mall (Washington, DC. B) Central Park (NYC) c) Mount Vernon d) All Of the above Feedback: The correct answer is b. Frederick Law Almagest is known for his design Of Central Park. Question 4: Multiple Choice A projecting beam or bracket stabilized by the weight of the wall from which it extends is called a: a) cantilever b) arch c) bearing wall d) lintel Feedback: The correct answer is a. A cantilever is a pr ojecting beam or bracket stabilized by the weight of the wall from which it extends. Question S: Multiple Choice s when a sculptor shapes the material by hand. A) Substitution b) Subtraction c) Addition d) Manipulation Feedback: The correct answer is d. Manipulation is when a sculptor shapes the material by hand, Question 6: Marcel Duchesss Bicycle Wheel is an example of a: a) statue b) found object sculpture c) mobile d) round sculpture Feedback: The correct answer is b. Marcel Duchesss Bicycle Wheel is an example of a found object sculpture. Question 7: Multiple Choice When a sculptor casts an artwork, he or she is using the process of . A) Subtraction b) Substitution c) Addition d) Manipulation Feedback: The correct answer is b. When a sculptor casts an artwork, he or she is using the process of substitution.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
With a humorous, yet emotional tone Essay Example
With a humorous, yet emotional tone Essay With a humorous, yet emotional tone, Maya Angelou tells the story of how her journey into life began. In this autobiographical narrative she describes her life with incredible detail, to the point that the reader can actually see that young girls world through her eyes. She openly communicates her adventures of tragedy and triumph throughout those sixteen years of her life, and the attitude she maintains toward her misfortune is admirable. The story begins with a preface that clearly demonstrates that Maya was not happy with being who she was. Angelou even says that one day she wished to wake up from that black dream and be that little white girl with shiny blonde hair and light blue eyes again. Then, the story proceeds, beginning with when she and her brother Bailey were sent to Stamps at the age of three and four, with a tag on their wrists as if they were some kind of luggage that had lost its owner; to the dramatic events growing up in the South, as the black girl she was, with her super religious and strict grandmother; her rape; living in the junk yard for a month; and later experiences that would teach her the meaning of life, specially for her people. We will write a custom essay sample on With a humorous, yet emotional tone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on With a humorous, yet emotional tone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on With a humorous, yet emotional tone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In Stamps, she becomes aware of the horrors of racism and eventually it led her to the point of hating herself for not being whitenot being perfect. However, she learns from her grandmother to be strong and maintain her dignity against the daily attacks of racism and prejudice. When she is eight, Maya and her brother move to St. Louis to live with their beloved mother. The different environment and people around her makes her feel like in an unknown world. Perhaps Maya and Bailey would have stayed there if it werent for Mr. Freeman, her mothers boyfriend, who sexually molested her. This terrible experience affected little Maya emotionally and condemned her to eternal silence. The only person she talked to was her brother and best friend, Bailey. After this unpleasant incident, they were both sent back to Stamps, where Maya recovers her voice after several years thanks to Mrs. Flowers who introduces her to a fascinating world of great authors and their powerful language. She is an intelligent, quiet, and motivated girl, but her social and economic status makes her feel out of place everywhere she goes. She only trusts her brother because he is the only one that can understand her. However, slowly Maya becomes aware of the racial prejudice and learns how to deal with it without the protection of her grandmother or Bailey. They go back with their mother to California once again due to her grandmothers coming of age and Uncle Willies unstable physical condition. When her mother marries Mr. Clidell not long after their arrival, Maya finds in him the first image of the father she ever knew. The family moves to San Francisco, where Maya spends the rest of her teenage years. Her doubts concerning her sexuality leads her to her pregnancy during her senior year of high school. Even though her journey was painful and harsh, all these experiences helped her mold the once self-hating, insecure little girl, into the confident, strong, and mature woman at the young age of sixteen. Even though she was pregnant, she did not tell anybody and persevered to complete high school and work toward a productive future. Growing up and surviving in this complex world can be hard, that is why learning about life and accepting oneself is a journey that all people make throughout their lives. It is evident that Angelou did not have an easy childhood, but even though life brings her many hardships, she learns everyday, especially from her grandmother, how to overcome them. These hardships include not only racism and prejudice, but also sexual molestation, poverty, and ignorance. I would say that the divorce of her parents was something positive in her life because it led her to her grandmother, who helped her spread the seeds and become the woman she is today. It is evident that if Maya and Bailey had stayed with either their mother or father, they would end up being useless people, stealing, consuming drugs, selling their body to strangers, or even killing. Fortunately, they did not lower themselves to that point thanks to Momma. How do I know this? Well, first lets take a look at her parents. Her mother is an irresponsible woman who likes to live life the best way she can. Her inexperience of being a mother takes away her right of being called like one. In addition, her family is involved in some sort of mafia. Mayas father is another irresponsible and selfish guy, whose girlfriend is jealous of her and stabs her with a knife! No wonder her parents got divorced and still have an unstable relationship through all those years. In the other hand, while in Sta mps, she learns many things from the close-tied community she lived in and her grandmother, and admires the perseverance and hope with which her neighbors face everyday. Although Maya disliked her grandmothers (Momma) strictness, she loved and respected her for that at the same time. Like everyone else, Momma was subject to white prejudice as well, however the image Maya had of her was like that of an invincible woman that could do anything and would always protect her. But throughout the years, Maya managed to stay above the level of those ignorant white people and maintain her dignity up high. Throughout her life Angelou thinks deeply about racism, religion, and other subjects that we sometimes take for granted. Personally, I was amazed at how much detail she went into and even though I couldnt see her expressions when telling the story, I could somehow feel her passion through every word in this account. I also admired the openness in her words, mainly because she talks about many issues that others would not normally discuss. Told from her point of view, the book shows the ignorance and prejudice of both black and white people during that time. As I read the book, I would laugh, be angry, or moved, but one thing for sure is that it made me think about the world we live in and that we are responsible of what we have today. A good example for this would be the status of black people today compared to not even a hundred years from now. They have what they have because they fought for it and their long and harsh journey deserve to be awarded. Maya Angelou probably chose the title I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which is very convenient for this opening story of her life, because it talks about the struggles of life and how perseverance and hope can help you overcome them and move forward. My interpretation of the title is that the Bird refers to Angelous people in general, and it is Caged in a horrible life of racial discrimination and prejudice, even to this day. However, as Angelou grows up and experiences the world around her, she learns why the bird, between those bars of injustice, sings; and it sings because despite the struggle that seems to follow her people everywhere, they still have hope and are proud of being a member of the wonderful, beautiful Negro race. One thing Ive realized after reading this book is that just because an African American woman wrote this book doesnt mean it is about SLAVERY and longing to be FREE, but it can also be a lesson about LIFE and give you another perspective of viewing it. This is why I would say that for readers of color, this book would be just a piece of history; but for others it is a lesson of life.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Free Essays on Driving in the Snow
Thesis: Although it can be done, driving in the snow is a dangerous and difficult process. Driving during sever winter weather conditions can be demanding. And how you handle your vehicle in those conditions could be the difference between a safe trip and serious trouble. Not all cars are alike. To become familiar with your vehicle’s winter weather operating characteristics, it is recommended that practicing slow-speed maneuvers on an empty snow or ice-covered parking lot. It is also suggested that the owner should read the owners manual for information on equipment and handling characteristics. The following are things to consider while driving in winter weather conditions. Front, rear, four or all-wheel drive Become familiar with what wheels are given power in your vehicle. Front-wheel-drive vehicles generally handle better than rear-wheel-drive vehicles on slippery roads because the weight of the engine is on the drive wheels. The back end of rear-wheel-drive cars tends to lose traction and slide side-to-side during turns on icy roads because there is little weight on the drive wheels. Many vehicles today are equipped with four, or all-wheel drive, which helps maintain traction in difficult conditions. However, drivers of four-wheel drive vehicles should avoid becoming over confident. Four-wheel-drive does not make the car brake any better. Braking A vehicle’s braking system also determines how motorists should operate their cars in winter weather. Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) provide significant stopping advantages on slick roads, but are only effective if properly used. When stopping a vehicle with ABS in slippery conditions, motorists should apply steady pressure to the brake pedal. The ABS automatically pumps the brakes to keep the wheels from locking up, preventing skids and loss of control. Do not take your foot off the brake pedal if you hear or feel chatter. This means the ABS system is working properly... Free Essays on Driving in the Snow Free Essays on Driving in the Snow Thesis: Although it can be done, driving in the snow is a dangerous and difficult process. Driving during sever winter weather conditions can be demanding. And how you handle your vehicle in those conditions could be the difference between a safe trip and serious trouble. Not all cars are alike. To become familiar with your vehicle’s winter weather operating characteristics, it is recommended that practicing slow-speed maneuvers on an empty snow or ice-covered parking lot. It is also suggested that the owner should read the owners manual for information on equipment and handling characteristics. The following are things to consider while driving in winter weather conditions. Front, rear, four or all-wheel drive Become familiar with what wheels are given power in your vehicle. Front-wheel-drive vehicles generally handle better than rear-wheel-drive vehicles on slippery roads because the weight of the engine is on the drive wheels. The back end of rear-wheel-drive cars tends to lose traction and slide side-to-side during turns on icy roads because there is little weight on the drive wheels. Many vehicles today are equipped with four, or all-wheel drive, which helps maintain traction in difficult conditions. However, drivers of four-wheel drive vehicles should avoid becoming over confident. Four-wheel-drive does not make the car brake any better. Braking A vehicle’s braking system also determines how motorists should operate their cars in winter weather. Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) provide significant stopping advantages on slick roads, but are only effective if properly used. When stopping a vehicle with ABS in slippery conditions, motorists should apply steady pressure to the brake pedal. The ABS automatically pumps the brakes to keep the wheels from locking up, preventing skids and loss of control. Do not take your foot off the brake pedal if you hear or feel chatter. This means the ABS system is working properly...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Case study Of Fairview Distribution Centre
Supply Chain and Logistics Management forms one of the most integral parts of any business organization whereby the company manages its resources and sees to it that all the resources are utilized effectively and the organization incurs the minimum amount of cost. In the given report, such a case relating to the Fairview School Board has been presented (Christopher, 2016). The company presently holds a distribution center whereby it distributes all the stationery to the different organizations from one center. This has led to extremely high costs for the company and hence, it has been advised to give away the distribution centre and manage on its own. The given case explores all available ideas and then roots for one of them. At the distribution center, an area of 30000 square foot was used which has to purposes. Various school`s inventories were kept at the warehouse for the supply given to the schools. This stock included office supplies, papers and other stationery items. Such a large stock was kept in order to see to it that the bulk purchases could be made which would lead to decreased costs and also balance the lead time in case of deliveries (Islam et al., 2013). The inventory levels fluctuated to a great extent throughout the year. At the warehouse, various equipment of the board house was also kept which consisted of special teaching supplies and could be loaned by the various schools on different time period basis (Wang et al., 2016). The delivery system of the board was also taken care of by the authorities in the distribution centre which comprised of an interdepartmental mail, supplies and other educational services. The deliveries were made to various schools and offices as and when required . According to Jim Knox, that the board had forecasted certain deficits and thus, certain adjustments had to be made to various units in order to overcome the deficit problem. He suggested that along with giving away early retirement to various staffs and cuts, the distribution centre could be done away with (Mangan, Lalwani & Lalwani, 2016). The schools should be allowed to handle their own supplies and the center could be sold away along with selling the vehicles owned. The reason why closing the distribution centre was taken in as a more attractive than cutting down other program budgets was because the schools could manage their supplies on their own. According to him salaries of around $500000 would be saved if the distribution centre was given away. Along with the same rent could also be saved. The alternative option to the given scenarios cold is as follows: The distribution centre is a huge warehouse where all the equipment fit in adequately. Hence, due to this the area of the distribution centre could be reduced considerably and the entire excess inventory could somehow be reduced by keeping lower levels of stock (Stadtler, 2015).When the case comes up of the discounts which would be received then, the purchase of stocks can be made at once but the delivery can be made later. Adding to this, the staff could work on rotational basis and the teachers could also contribute some of their help in order to manage the supplies. Various other adjustments could be made which would help in altering the problem of the budget and even not hamper the distribution system aspect. The most suitable scenario in the given situation would be taking up the alternative path. This given path would follow the `avoidance of wastage idea` an idea similar to that of the Kaizen Distribution, where all unnecessary costs and wastes would be avoided in order to see to it that the distribution centre does not incur the huge amount of costs that it is incurring at the moment (Jacobs, Chase & Lummus, 2014). The alternative plan has been elaborated in detail: In terms of ethicality, the stakeholder’s need also needs to be considered while any particular decision is being made. When the distribution centre would have been given away, it would have caused inconvenience to various stakeholders. These stakeholders include various stakeholders like teachers, staff, the personnel working at the centre, and the maintenance staff. The staff has been working in the distribution centre since a very long time and therefore, it is extremely important that the people who are working there are also considered before any rash decision is made. Hence, it can be clearly stated that the benefits of following this idea is much more than the costs which are incurred. This also serves to be a middle path and helps in removal of any consequences for the board as well as the stakeholders involved in the board Therefore, it can be stated that there were two clear alternatives available to the company which was giving away the distribution board or keeping it. The third was an additional alternative which would have helped the board to reduce certain costs. All the ideas were well explained and then the case for an alternative idea was built which was reducing excess wastage and keeping the distribution center but decreasing it in size and operations. The reduced operations will not only help in saving the costs but also help in saving the interests of the various stakeholders involved. Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & supply chain management. Pearson UK. Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. (2016). Supply chain management: a logistics perspective. Nelson Education. Islam, D. M. Z., Meier, J. F., Aditjandra, P. T., Zunder, T. H., & Pace, G. (2013). Logistics and supply chain management. Research in Transportation Economics, 41(1), 3-16. Jacobs, F. R., Chase, R. B., & Lummus, R. R. (2014). Operations and supply chain management (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N. W., Smith, C. D., & Zacharia, Z. G. (2013). Defining supply chain management. Journal of Business logistics, 22(2), 1-25. Mangan, J., Lalwani, C., & Lalwani, C. L. (2016). Global logistics and supply chain management. John Wiley & Sons. Rushton, A., Croucher, P., & Baker, P. (2014). The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. In Supply chain management and advanced planning (pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Simchi-Levi, D., Simchi-Levi, E., & Kaminsky, P. (2016). Designing and managing the supply chain: Concepts, strategies, and cases. New York: McGraw-Hill. Wang, G., Gunasekaran, A., Ngai, E. W., & Papadopoulos, T. (2016). Big data analytics in logistics and supply chain management: Certain investigations for research and applications. International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 98-110.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Opportunity Analysis of New Business Venture 03068 Essay
Opportunity Analysis of New Business Venture 03068 - Essay Example Where there are many competitors also, it should be able to present the idea of the business venture in a way that uniquely identifies untapped opportunities on the market (Oladeji, 2008). This is the basis for the report, where a new business venture is being critiqued for its viability as an innovative business idea. This is being done with the opportunity analysis approach where a feasibility study is being performed in the areas of self-analysis, venture description, market research, industrial analysis, technical feasibility, financial feasibility, scenario versions, and scalability analysis (Mambula, 2002). Once these areas are analysed, it will be able to conclude on the feasibility of the business idea and how innovative it is to succeed on the saturated market. The entrepreneur is considered an important authority and stakeholder for the introduction of any new business idea that becomes the basis of a venture creation. This is because the ideologies, motivation, vision, and inspiration of doing business are mostly dependent on the entrepreneur and what he or she brings onboard the new venture (Schaper, 2002). What is more, there are some core entrepreneurial qualities and competences that have been considered critical for the overall management of the venture (McMillan & Naughton, 2012). Based on the entrepreneurial behaviour theory, there are three major human capital requirements that may be assessed from the entrepreneur leading the idea of starting the new venture. These are general human capital, entrepreneurship specific human capital, and venture specific human capital (World Bank, 2010). The general human capital includes such qualities and requirements as education, managerial human capital, capabilities, and demographic control variables (Charles, 2002). The entrepreneurship specific human capital also includes entrepreneurial
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Art History Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Art History Project - Research Paper Example Additionally, the participation in domestic and community affairs helped women to influence the political system at the time. There was a limitation on women to express their political views against their husbands. Moreover, women could not publicly condemn the established political order in the era. The women that went against the established norms in the society risked their lives through death. In this period, there was limitation to women that wanted to venture in art. Most of the women lacked access to sophisticated training required to be an accomplished artist (NMWA 1). The period only saw few successful women artists. Such women were children, nieces, or spouses of the successful male artist in the period (NMWA 1). The family connections helped them to acquire skills and network to establish their careers. On the other hand, the country of origin of women conferred them with some advantage. Those that came from Northern Europe had some advantage as compared to their counterpa rts in the south. The Roman Catholic played a significant role in support of the artist in the period (NMWA 1). The church focused on devotional images that could only be possible through artistic skills and techniques. This significantly disadvantaged women as they were prohibited from getting such skills and techniques. In contrast, the Protestant north focus on art was based on activities and experiences of their daily lives (NMWA 1). As a result, women artists benefited as they produced still life and genre paintings that appealed to the patrons (NMWA 1). Despite these challenges, there were various successful and professional women artists in the period. Women for a long time have been defined by history. One of the periods that depicted the position of women in society was Baroque. The period lasted began in the last decade of 16th century and lasted up to 1750 (Schneider 1). The period was characterized by religious and political turmoil (Schneider 1). The religious and
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Film Analysis about Women in the Movie Pretty Woman Essay example -- e
The Hollywood movie Pretty Woman (1990) is about a prostitute in Hollywood, marrying an extremely rich businessman, in spite of her mutual distrust and prejudice. The movie contains the basic narrative of the Cinderella tale: through the love and help of a man of a higher social position, a girl of a lower social status moves up to join the man at his level. Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Woman comes from a small town in Georgia, and works as a prostitute on the streets of Hollywood to support herself. Although Vivian's social position is very low, she has a strong sense of personal dignity and independence. Even though sometimes she have to stand by the street with empty stomach to wait for clients, Vivian and her friend Kit still keep themselves from the control of pimps, and "act as their own agents". Later, at the end of Vivian's one-week business arrangement with wealthy Edward Lewis (the Prince to her dream), which culminates in love and growing mutual respect, he offers her an apartment, a car and a credit card to get her off the streets, but she refuses. For Vivian, however, this arrangement is only different in terms of "geography" and terms of payment for the "business†; between them. Vivian knows that in society her own effort is the key to supporting herself and eventually securing a better future. She wants to set up a life in the city and tries very hard to look for a job. Due to lack of a skill, although she is willing to do heavy or dirty work, she is not able to find a job with enough pay to support herself. Her goal in life is simply to support herself by her own effort instead of letting somebody else arrange and control her life. This, in it self, represents a spirit of active effort for someone like Vivian. In addition to her efforts in trying to support herself and realize her own goals, Vivian also endeavors to help others. With a part of the $3000 windfall she earns from her week with Edward Lewis, she presses her friend Kit to pursue her long-dormant desire to become a beautician. And her most significant achievement is helping Edward Lewis, the corporate raider, rediscover his humanity, so he can build things instead of dismantling the work of othe rs for profit, and find a more meaningful life other than locking himself in work. The two aspects discussed above display the changes of emphasis on self-... ...ulminates in an attempt to rape her. In the attempted rape scene, it is very clear that Phil wants to rape Vivian not to quench an uncontrollable sexual impulse, but to give vent to all his anger for what he has lost -- the money from an unfriendly buyout that Edward has overturned with his newfound humanity, and the control of Edward. Phil wants to humiliate Vivian as he feels he has been humiliated, and, if possible, destroy her. The rape is not about sex but about abasement and power. Pretty Woman, 1990s Hollywood movie, embodies many new as well as old values and ideologies. I was surprised when I saw that, the old themes and sexual stereotypes are not completely abandoned, but the old portrayals of gender stereotypes are transmuted. Finally, the movie says that women, first of all, should rely on themselves and not submit to any kind of domination. They should simply support themselves by their own efforts instead of letting someone else arrange and control their lives. The movie also demonstrates how a girl possessing the virtues of honesty, patience, prudence, industry, and obedience can be rewarded with a husband and the attendant better life and higher social position.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Volcanic Eruptions and Hawaii: The Dreadful Effects of Magma
Volcanic Volcanic eruptions and Hawaii: The Dreadful Effects of MagmaParticularsPage No.Understanding Vents2Home plate Architectonicss3Erupted Material4Hawaii and Volcanic Volcanic eruptions5Volcanic eruption History6Impact of the Hawaiian Volcanic eruptions7Other Side of the Coin8Precautions/Safety in Hawaiian island9-10Recommendation for catastrophe Management11Mentions12Understanding Vents Thevolcano wordis acquired from Vulcano, a volcanic concatenation of the Aeolian Islands of Italy whose name in bend is derived from Vulcan, the God of fire in Roman mythology. Avolcanois a crevice on the exterior layerof aplanetary-mass surface, like Earth, which permits volcanic ash, hot lava, and gases to dispatch from a magma chamber below the surface. Vents originate on Earth as its crust is divided into 17prime, house tectonic home bases drifting above a soft bed with high temperature within its mantle. Therefore vents are normally present in countries wherethis tectonic home bases indulge in diverging or meeting activity. For case, a mid-oceanic ridge, such as theRidge, is an result of diverging tectonic home bases ; whereas the Pacific ring of Fire is formed by meeting home bases nearing towards each other. Stretching and cutting of the home bases inside the earth’s exterior bed can besides ensue into a vent, e.g. , Rio Grande Rift in North America. Volcanic activities can besides be seen at countries off from the tectonic home bases and are known as Hotspots.Volcanoes in Hawaii are believed to originate from a central-mantle, 3,000km deep inside the surface of Earth. It is a rare state of affairs to happen a vent in an country where home bases slide over each other. Vents which Erupt have the ability to do threat, even in the countries non environing the eruption part. A threat like the ash of the vent can make a immense hazard for an Aeroplane specifically 1s with the jet engines, the atoms will liquefy at high temperatures and stick toblades in the turbine changing their formation. Huge eruptions cool the lower ambiance of the Earth but besides lead to hot temperatures at the upper ambiance of the Earth. Adequate grounds exists to turn out that the volcanic winters lead to black dearths. Some common types of vents are shield vents, crypto domes. Volcanic cones ( cinder cones ) , stratovolcanoes, super vents, pigboat vents and clay vents Home plate tectonics Divergent home base boundaries The formation of a new ocean crust leads to the separation of two tectonic home bases besides as the surface is really slender near these topographic points the stretch due to the tectonic home bases, consequences into fragmental thaw of the mantle, ensuing in volcanic eruptions. As these type of boundaries exist deep into the oceans the volcanic activities are normally undersea. Convergent home base boundaries The hit of two home bases leads to the formation of magma as one of the home bases increases the temperature of H2O in the submersed home base forming magma. Due to its high silicon oxide content the magma is vigorous in nature, normally the magma is unable to do it to the surface. But formation of a vent takes topographic point when it is able to make to the upper surface organizing an island. â€Å" Hot spots †Volcanic countries which are considered to â€Å" Hotspots â€Å" is the name given to volcanic countries believed to be established bynucleation of a hot stone inside the Earth taking to a nappy, vents turn inactive temporarily as tectonic home bases move across them. The Hawaiian Islands is considered as a consequence of such process. Though, many disapprove with these sort of unproved theories. Erupted stuff Lava composingMagma holding the silica content of more than 63 % is known as felsic. Felsic lava is a extremely barbarous and vigorous fluid normally erupted from big sized domes. Gass which get trapped due to its barbarous nature leads to immense pollution.52–63 % of silicon oxide content is known as the lava of intermediatecomposition. Normally formed by hydration thaw of peridotite this magma contains deposits and therefore silica content is lower than felsic.45-52 % of silicon oxide content, the lava is known as mafic. These lavas have high content of Mg and Fe and be given to be hotter than felsic excessively. Mafic lava is a really common sight in the instance of volcanic eruptionsThe ultramafic lava is the one which contains less than 45 % of silicon oxide content, it is highly rare to happen the ultramafic lava, it has been found merely one time till now and is the hottest one of all. Fluid is excessively hot and is besides higher in content of Mg and Fe compared to ma fic lava.Hawaii and Volcanic Volcanic eruptions Hawaii is a typical topographic point when it comes to geological universes criterions as it is cause by â€Å"hotspots†. There exist merely a few of hot spots on Earth and Hawaii has the biggest crustal surface beneath its vents on Earth – the Pacific home base. The motion of the home bases has resulted into the Hawaiian island and Kauai holding inactive vents stands to be the most elderly island of all, and is about 50lakh old ages old. The most immature and besides one of the active vents is the island which is besides known as the â€Å"big Island†which we all know as Hawaii with the lava crust less than a million twelvemonth old. Loihi is besides one of the active vents in Hawaii. Kilauea the most active vent in the universe is a shield vent covering 14 % of the entire island the south-east portion of the Hawaii. The local population believe the 1227metre vent to be the place of Hawaiian vent goddess Pele. From a normal oculus it seems to be merged with another vent i.e. the Mauna Loa whereas scientific research prove that it is an unconnected vent with its ain activities. The vent has 61 recorded eruptions harmonizing to the United States geo-survey and has shown uninterrupted activities since the past 32 old ages. Volcanic eruption History The local Hawaiian people have written about the extraordinary phenomenon of volcanic eruption manner before the worldwide diaries. Thomas Jagger is one of the great personalities in the geologists list to hold done the base research on the activities of vent and besides to convert the United States geological section to take deeper research of these vents though Jagger is an American geologist, he formed the Hawaiian volcanic research association before the Geological section merely with the aid of a local business communities. The Hawaiians have a long history with these vents who they consider as their Gods and have written about them in the same mode. They believe these eruptions to be the choler or sadness of their God towards them. The twelvemonth 1990 experienced the most devastation menace by the Kilauea as it destroyed about 100 houses including a church and the town Parkss. The impact left a lava filling of 15-24 meters on the town therefore destructing everything that of all time existed on the surface. A Person names jack Thompson was loath to go forth his place even after detecting all his neighbors and milieus consumed by lava near the royal gardens. It was merely in 2012 when he and his friend were rescued by a chopper as his house was consumed by the vigorous lava of the Hawaiian vents. Lava still flows continuously to the ocean harmonizing to an observation by geologists. Impact of the Hawaiian Volcanic eruptions About 3 lakh people have died due to a direct or indirect impact of a volcanoe in the past 500 old ages. The explosive eruptions of vents have caused a batch of these deceases. Hawaiian eruptions are quieter and hold more fluids. Near to 97 people have died due to eruptions in Hawaii. But the impact of these eruptions on the civilized society and their substructures has been lay waste toing. An full small town names Kapoho has been brought to land zero in 1960 eruption. The volcanic activities have besides destroyed the royal gardens and a small town called Kalapana. An full small town named Hilo with the population of 40 thousand people was under great menace in 1984 Mauna Loa eruptions. Fortunately the Lava stopped some kilometers before the metropolis therefore salvaging it from being one of the largest risky volcanic eruption in the history. Volcanic eruptions have about destroyed 200 standing constructions including national Parkss, Gardens and many places and edifices in the little town of Kalapana. Except of the short term impacts of the vents, the large concern is are the people populating around still healthy? Dangerous gases such as H2O, CO2, CO, SO2, and H2S are spread in the air through volcanic eruptions A Study by an helper professor of the Nevada Orvis School of nursing shows that there was a important addition in concerns and sore pharynxs with people coming in contact with the vent or life nearby it. Besides 56 % addition was observed in people describing coughs after an impact and 600 % addition in take a breathing related diseases. In long term external respiration in the surrounding of a vent such as life in Hawaii can diminish the life anticipation to a great extent and therefore is besides non a suited pick for people with take a breathing upsets. Other Side of the Coin The Geo-thermal power works which can be constructed near a vent is really helpful to Hawaii as they have abundant militias due to volcanic activities.the Puna Geo-thermal works contributes to 23 % per centum of the electricity needs in Hawaii bring forthing 30megawatts of electricity and besides has late increased the production capacity by 8 % . The Volcanoes in Hawaii have provided a batch to the comprehensive cognition of the worlds on vents. The research on the nature of these vents is one of the basic grounds why today scientists are able to understand and foretell volcanic eruptions, salvaging a big sum of of human lives. Thus Hawaii has presented an exceeding chance for the survey and research of vents and their behavior in general. Volcanic activity beneath the ocean has the ability to make islands such as Hawaii itself. Unique sorts of workss and animate beings evolve in these sort of islands, Such as the Hawaiian Flora.Thus Hawaii really owns its being to such results of volcanic eruptions. Precautions/ Safety warning Systems in the Hawaiian Island It is believed that Kilauea is a safe vent as it’s slow and the Hawaiian national park has provided proper guidelines at each risky zone. Although tourer non cognizant about the insecure environment and besides the type of tourer who wittingly break the guidelines lead to a large figure of deceases. There have been instances of people sitting on a stone of magma and taking to hurts due to tear in the stone as the interior was weak and was unseeable to a normal oculus. Populating near an eruption zone? Don’t worry you will be informed for emptying merely in clip. The USGS scientists have instruments supervising the rift zones every hr each twenty-four hours. The seismographs predict the volcanic eruption manner before as there has to be some activity, there is no such thing as a sudden eruption as the new engineerings can observe it several hours prior to the eruption excessively. During the Kalapana Eruption in 1990 the local population was informed hebdomads before therefore supplying them a batch of clip for emptying. The United States Geological Survey section has implemented assorted safety alert- presentment systems against the activities of vents. The watchful presentment degree is dependent on four degree qui vives and besides four levelled air power coloring material codification. The degrees are decided by the scientist by monitoring and analyzing the volcanic activities and along with their cognition and experience on the eruptions. The vent alert degree can be explained utilizing the colors and the four degrees which are normal, consultative, ticker and warning. These marks are spread through wirelesss and the air power coloring material codifications are spread out in the sky utilizing aircrafts to signal the population on the landDegreeAviation coloring material codificationInterpretationNormalGreenIt is normal as specified, therefore the vent has stopped break outing and has reached to an inactive provinceAdvisoryYellowThe activities have minimized in an effectual mode but still barbarous activities might regenerate the eruptionWatchOrangeVolcano is active and is demoing barbarous activities the tallness and ash exhausts degree are besides provided if possible.WarningRedVolcanic eruption is prevailing on a important degree and tallness of the ash exhausts and the degree is highly unsafe. Take immediate actions towards your safety.Recommendations for Disaster Management As observed throughout my research the USGS has already taken a batch of proper stairss against the safety of worlds during the volcanic eruption idea there are some recommendations which can increase the safety of the population. To USGS Awareness among the tourers: – During the research, It was found that a batch of tourers in Hawaii are incognizant of the safety jeopardies and the proper significance of the catastrophe marks. The decease and hurt rate among the tourer in Hawaii still exists and should be prevented. To Population Communication: – There are opportunities of the communicating web acquiring disrupted during such a state of affairs, therefore everyone should cognize whom and how to pass on during such a state of affairs Responsible Emptying: – A list of points should be kept for such unfortunate events -Significant paperss, Medications, Valuables which are easy to transport and nutrient supply for long term endurance. Normally people who are designated as absurd before the catastrophe sometimes are the 1s who survive it. Cipher is prepared for such a jeopardy that’s the lone ground it is termed as a catastrophe. A responsible and educated society can avoid immense loss of human lives during such jeopardies. Mentions Hawaii flora – Hawaiian flowers and workss. 2015.Hawaii flora – Hawaiian flowers and workss. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . . 2015.. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? sid=HI. [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . Benefits of Volcanoes. 2015.Benefits of Volcanoes. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // . [ Accessed 25 March 2015 ] . Evacuating During Volcanic Activity. 2015.Evacuating During Volcanic Activity. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 26 March 2015 ] . Kilauea Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii Threatens Village | GeoEvents | Earthscope. 2015.Kilauea Volcanic Volcanic eruption in Hawaii Threatens Village | GeoEvents | Earthscope. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 28 March 2015 ] . Danger in Eden: The concealed jeopardies of vent geotourism | EARTH Magazine. 2015.Danger in Eden: The concealed jeopardies of vent geotourism | EARTH Magazine. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] . Health Effectss of Hawaii’s’ Active Volcano – Honolulu wellness and felicity | 2015.Health Effectss of Hawaii’s’ Active Volcano – Honolulu wellness and felicity | [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] . The 1859 eruption of Mauna Loa and its human impact. . 2015.The 1859 eruption of Mauna Loa and its human impact.. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 02 April 2015 ] .
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
A Selection System In Human Resource Management Is...
A selection system in human resource management is combination of tools and procedures used in choosing a person who is qualified for a certain role, who can successfully bring valuable contributions to an organization (Foot, Hook, Jenkins, 2016). An effective selection system is fundamentally based on job analysis so that the selection tools utilized in the recruitment process add value to the organization. This selection system provides a framework for recruiting an accountant, and it provides job analysis for the position as well as the selection tools and procedures for the position. †¢ Job title: Accountant This position generally involves providing the day to day support to the accounting function of the company. †¢ Brief summary of†¦show more content†¦Those who do not meet this requirement will be eliminated at this stage. Other items to check during screening are education background and work experience as stated in the job analysis. As result, the tool is reliable in ensuring misfits will not be able to proceed to the next level. The applications for the position will be received online through recruitment portals and therefore the applications will be screened electronically by the human resource personnel. This tool will be administered by two human resource staff and it will take approximately five hours to execute. Telephone interviews Telephone interview is the second tool in the selection system. It involves contacting the applicants who passed the in the screening tool. The questions that are asked in the telephone interview are based on the job analysis weighed against the applicant’s responses in the application materials. It is a cost effective and reliabvle tool in selecting the best candidates who will proceed to next level in the recruitment process. One basic question that can asked on the telephone interview is, â€Å"Do you still have interest in the job that you applied for?†those who provide a â€Å"no†answer will automatically be eliminated from the selection system. Other leading questions will enable the recruiter to measure other key KSAO’s such as experience, communication skills and educational qualifications. This tool will be administered by one human resourceShow MoreRelatedSelection System Of Human Resource Management1208 Words  | 5 PagesSelection system A selection system in human resource management is combination of tools and procedures used in choosing a person who is qualified for a certain role, who can successfully bring valuable contributions to an organization (Foot, Hook, Jenkins, 2016). An effective selection system is fundamentally based on job analysis so that the selection tools utilized in the recruitment process add value to the organization. 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