Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Negative Effects of Smoking - 1151 Words
One of the hardest things in life is saying goodbye to the ones you love for the very last time. Smoking is a life-threatening addiction that has brought this tragedy to millions of families at an accelerated pace and not all have been those who do smoke. No one wants to have to deal with tragedy, but nowadays there may be no way to avoid it. Unless, that is, our government intervenes, and puts something into place to end the threat of Secondhand Smoke exposure. I believe the one thing that can be done to avoid this exposure, leading to the unwanted tragedy, is a nationwide public smoking ban. Everyone says that Smoking or not is your choice. While that is true, the effects that come of it are not. When a person smokes everyone around them is exposed. Smokers may be okay with taking a chance of dying over it, but are others willing to allow their Husband, wife, son, Daughter, or other family members to die over it as well? Smoking poses threats to others, especially smoking in a public place. According to MedlinePlus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, if each state puts a smoking ban in public places, they estimate that there would be 18,000 fewer heart attacks in one year in the United States. People who smoke potentially know their fate. Why is it we as the public should let those smokers can give the same fate to those who do not smoke? Smokers answer to this is, â€Å"Okay, it is dangerous, but I don’t want to have to walk a mile to smoke a cigarette†, butShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Smoking1719 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Smoking causes 1,300 deaths daily in the U.S., and an estimated 5.6 million pre-mature deaths is expected among American youths18 years and younger due to a smoking-related illness if smoking continues at the current rate (CDC, 2017). According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there are currently 40 million adult smokers in the U.S. (CDC, 2017), and 763,960 of these residents are from Massachusetts (DPH, 2014). Smoking can cause various kinds of cancer such as those of the cervixRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Smoking1492 Words  | 6 PagesSmoking not only hurts its users, but it hurts whole communities and the economy. Researchers believe that smoking began around 1 BCE, with recreational use becoming a common thing as soon as European settlers reached the Americas in the 15th century (Borio). Throughout the past centuries, tobacco has been used in many different ways. As more methods of utilizing tobacco have become possibilities, their negative effects on their users and other people have increased. In order to make the tobaccoRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking892 Words  | 4 Pagesfifty one people die due to smoking which is about one person every minute. Even though smoking is bad it helps the government and the people. Smoking doesn’t kill a person it does more than that. It changes your appearance, health, and affects the people around you. Many people shoul d understand that smoking is not good for their health. One should consider the consequences of smoking. Every time a person smokes they are just pulling the trigger to kill themselves. Smoking cigarettes is very injuriousRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking1195 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Cigarettes destroy life. Toxic to the body. We are young generation. Confident for non-smokers.†This is motto of the Army Reserve Command to cultivate reserve officer training corps student and other youth to realize the harm of smoking. What is cigarette? cigarette under the Tobacco Act BE 2509 means that the tobacco or flavored tobacco, whether the drug or drugs to dry the compressed mixed or not. Which the cigarettes made with paper or object made instead of paper or dryRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Essay example2027 Words  | 9 Pages1.0 Introduction Smoking is considered a true addiction and is widespread throughout the world between the percentage of smokers at 47% of men and 12% of women who smoke, this causes cardiovascular diseases and deaths are caused by lung cancer and pharynx. Countries with low levels of socio-economic development ranked first in the ranks of the largest number of smokers with more than 15 years. The country sits at 46%, with a prevalence of 35% in people over the age of 15 years. This habit isRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Cigarettes Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesSmoking cigarettes can be very harmful to your life with so many health issues, such as heart disease, cancer and emphysema. Some people think it’s not a huge issue smoking cigarettes but it’s a great way to lose ten years of your life. You lose lots of money, a lifetime of health issues, and cause you to have yellowing of the teeth and bad breath .There is way too many health risks involved to start using this drug. Say no to cigarettes you will be healthier in the end then to continue on this wrongfulRead MoreNegative Effects of Smoking on Human Health and the Economy1475 Words  | 6 Pages Moreover, smoking particularly adversely affects womens reproductive health, and smoke exposure on children has had detrimental and some sometimes fatal effects on children. Many studies have examined and outlined the adverse effects of maternal smoking on both the mother as well as on the baby and/or infant ( Hofhuis, de Jongste, Merkus, 2003 Woolbright 1994). Many states such as Alabama required documentation on birth certificates of tobacco use of mothers (Woolbright, 1994). Despite theRead MoreThe Negative Effects of Smoking Tobacco Essay examples1063 Words  | 5 PagesThe Negative Effects of Smoking Tobacco One may think they have benefits from smoking because they fit in the crowd. Of course, thats not true. Someone may tell you that if you smoke youll be cool and everyone will like you. Then the crowd that smokes will like you but others may not. Your family may think you are uncool since you smoke. Other friends that you had may start not liking you since they wont want to be around you when you smoke. You might start to rather smoke then beRead MoreReason Why Teenagers Age 13- 18 Years Old from Different Colleges and Universities Engage in Cigarette Smoking Despite Its Negative Effects2166 Words  | 9 PagesEngage Themselves to Smoking A thesis submitted to the Faculty of St. Paul College, Pasig In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research Nicole Therese Ang-Angco Caryl Marie Balagot Cara Dominique Beltran Sheena Sharmaine Estayo Julianne Rose Santarina March 2009 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING A. Research Problem: Reason why teenagers age 13- 18 years old from different colleges and universities engage in cigarette smoking despite its negative effects B. Objectives:Read MoreOutcome of Banning Smoking in Public Areas663 Words  | 3 Pagesasthma problems has dropped by after smoking was banned in public places. Researchers from the University of Maastricht and the University of Edinburgh studied 250,000 hospital visits and more than 2.5 million births for asthma attacks in children. It was discovered that â€Å"preterm births and hospital attendance for asthma has fallen by 10% â€Å" especially in areas where smoking is banned. Though banning smoking at in public places would possibly have a negative effect, because people may start to smoke
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